Server Side Rendering (SSR)
View SourceDisclaimer SSR for React is not a simple topic and there is a lot of issue than can arise depending on what React components you are using. It also consume more ressource since a nodejs worker is needed for the rendering. This is a simple implementation that works for the components and library I have tested.
Project setup
⚠️ Warning: Server-side rendering (SSR) requires a Node.js worker. With a pool_size
of 1 and the Phoenix app, you need at least 512MiB of memory. Otherwise, the instance may experience out-of-memory (OOM) errors or severe slowness.
SSR requires Node.js to render the javascript on server side. Add nodejs
to your mix file.
defp deps do
{:nodejs, "~> 3.1"},
Add NodeJs.Supervisor to your application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{NodeJS.Supervisor, [path: LiveReact.SSR.NodeJS.server_path(), pool_size: 4]},
Add a config entry to your config/prod.exs
config :live_react,
ssr_module: LiveReact.SSR.NodeJS,
ssr: true
For complete deployment follow the SSR deployment guide