Live Scaffolding

Apprentice's Journey Open Source

Don't waste your time!

This project is for help you to generate the phoenix controllers and also live views too!

This project is the upgrade for previous version of scaffolding

This was born for personal usages.


def deps do
    {:scaffolding, git: "git://", only: [:dev]}

TODO I have troubles using this way: {:scaffolding, "~> 0.1.0", only: [:dev]}, I don't know why the priv directory can't be downloaded into the scaffolding dep. Use the suggestion instead.

How to use

Create a phoenix controller

mix create_controller page1

This will generate the follow output:

 :: Scaffolding Generator Done! ::

 Please update your router.ex file adding the follow line:

 >>> get "/page1", Page1Controller, :index

This command will create many files:

  1. The phoenix controller: lib/your_app_web/controllers/page1_controller.ex
  2. The eex template folder with index file: lib/your_app_web/templates/page1/
  3. The view for your controller: lib/your_app_web/views/page1_view.ex

You will have to update you router.ex file for use your controller generated.

Create a Phoenix Live View

You need your Live View setup for implement this.

mix create_live_view page1

This will generate the follow output:

 :: Scaffolding Generator Done! ::

 Please update your router.ex file adding the follow line:

 >>> live "/page1", Page1Live

This command will create many files:

  1. The live view: lib/your_app_web/live/page1_live.ex
  2. The leex template: lib/your_app_web/templates/page1/
  3. The view: lib/your_app_web/views/page1_view.ex

You will have to update you router.ex file for use your controller generated.