View Source LiveViewNative.LVN (live_view_native v0.4.0-rc.0)

Provides commands for executing Native utility operations on the client.

LVN commands support a variety of utility operations for common client-side needs, such as adding or removing CSS classes, setting or removing tag attributes, showing or hiding content, and transitioning in and out with animations. While these operations can be accomplished via client-side hooks, LVN commands are ViewTree-patch aware, so operations applied by the LVN APIs will stick to elements across patches from the server.

In addition to purely client-side utilities, the LVN commands include a rich push API, for extending the default phx- binding pushes with options to customize targets, loading states, and additional payload values.

Client Utility Commands

The following utilities are included:

  • add_class - Add classes to elements, with optional transitions
  • remove_class - Remove classes from elements, with optional transitions
  • toggle_class - Sets or removes classes from elements, with optional transitions
  • set_attribute - Set an attribute on elements
  • remove_attribute - Remove an attribute from elements
  • toggle_attribute - Sets or removes element attribute based on attribute presence.
  • show - Show elements, with optional transitions
  • hide - Hide elements, with optional transitions
  • toggle - Shows or hides elements based on visibility, with optional transitions
  • transition - Apply a temporary transition to elements for animations
  • dispatch - Dispatch a ViewTree event to elements

For example, the following modal component can be shown or hidden on the client without a trip to the server:

alias LiveViewNative.LVN

def hide_modal(lvn \\ %LVN{}) do
  |> LVN.hide(transition: "fade-out", to: "#modal")
  |> LVN.hide(transition: "fade-out-scale", to: "#modal-content")

def modal(assigns) do
  <Text id="modal" class="phx-modal" phx-remove={hide_modal()}>
      <Button class="phx-modal-close" phx-click={hide_modal()}>✖</Button>

Enhanced push events

The push/1 command allows you to extend the built-in pushed event handling when a phx- event is pushed to the server. For example, you may wish to target a specific component, specify additional payload values to include with the event, apply loading states to external elements, etc. For example, given this basic phx-click event:

<Button phx-click="inc">+</Button>

Imagine you need to target your current component, and apply a loading state to the parent container while the client awaits the server acknowledgement:

alias LiveViewNative.LVN

<Button phx-click={LVN.push("inc", loading: ".thermo", target: @myself)}>+</Button>

Push commands also compose with all other utilities. For example, to add a class when pushing:

<Button phx-click={
  LVN.push("inc", loading: ".thermo", target: @myself)
  |> LVN.add_class("warmer", to: ".thermo")

Any phx-value-* attributes will also be included in the payload, their values will be overwritten by values given directly to push/1. Any phx-target attribute will also be used, and overwritten.

  phx-click={LVN.push("inc", value: %{limit: 40})}
  phx-value-limit="this value will be 40"

Custom LVN events with LVN.dispatch/1 and window.addEventListener

dispatch/1 can be used to dispatch custom Native events to elements. For example, you can use LVN.dispatch("click", to: "#foo"), to dispatch a click event to an element.

This also means you can augment your elements with custom events, by using Native's window.addEventListener and invoking them with dispatch/1. For example, imagine you want to provide a copy-to-clipboard functionality in your application. You can add a custom event for it:

TODO replace with native version

window.addEventListener("my_app:clipcopy", (event) => {
  if ("clipboard" in navigator) {
    const text =;
  } else {
    alert("Sorry, your browser does not support clipboard copy.");

Now you can have a Button like this:

<Button phx-click={LVN.dispatch("my_app:clipcopy", to: "#element-with-text-to-copy")}>
  Copy content

The combination of dispatch/1 with window.addEventListener is a powerful mechanism to increase the amount of actions you can trigger client-side from your LiveView code.



Adds classes to elements.

Combines two JS commands, appending the second to the first.

Dispatches an event to the ViewTree.

Executes LVN commands located in an element's attribute.

Sends focus to a selector.

Sends focus to the first focusable child in selector.

Hides elements.

Sends a navigation event to the server and updates the browser's pushState history.

Sends a patch event to the server and updates the browser's pushState history.

Focuses the last pushed element.

Pushes an event to the server.

Pushes focus from the source element to be later popped.

Removes an attribute from elements.

Removes classes from elements.

Sets an attribute on elements.

Shows elements.

Toggles element visibility.

Sets or removes element attribute based on attribute presence.

Adds or removes element classes based on presence.

Transitions elements.



Adds classes to elements.

  • names - A string with one or more class names to add.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to add classes to. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :transition - A string of classes to apply before adding classes or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition from :transition. Defaults to 200.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>
<Button phx-click={LVN.add_class("highlight underline", to: "#item")}>

add_class(lvn, names)

See add_class/1.

add_class(lvn, names, opts)

See add_class/1.

concat(lvn1, lvn2)

Combines two JS commands, appending the second to the first.

dispatch(lvn \\ %LVN{}, event)

Dispatches an event to the ViewTree.

  • event - The string event name to dispatch.

Note: All events dispatched are of a type CustomEvent, with the exception of "click". For a "click", a MouseEvent is dispatched to properly simulate a UI click.

For emitted CustomEvent's, the event detail will contain a dispatcher, which references the ViewTree node that dispatched the LVN event to the target element.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to dispatch the event to. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :detail - An optional detail map to dispatch along with the client event. The details will be available in the event.detail attribute for event listeners.
  • :bubbles – A boolean flag to bubble the event or not. Defaults to true.


# TODO: replace with native example
window.addEventListener("click", e => console.log("clicked!", e.detail))

<Button phx-click={LVN.dispatch("click", to: ".nav")}>Click me!</Button>

dispatch(lvn, event, opts)

See dispatch/2.


Executes LVN commands located in an element's attribute.

  • attr - The string attribute where the LVN command is specified


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to fetch the attribute from. Defaults to the current element.


<Text id="modal" phx-remove={LVN.hide("#modal")}>...</Text>
<Button phx-click={LVN.exec("phx-remove", to: "#modal")}>close</Button>

exec(attr, opts)

See exec/1.

exec(lvn, attr, opts)

See exec/1.

focus(opts \\ [])

Sends focus to a selector.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to send focus to. Defaults to the current element.


LVN.focus(to: "main")

focus(lvn, opts)

See focus/1.

focus_first(opts \\ [])

Sends focus to the first focusable child in selector.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to focus. Defaults to the current element.


LVN.focus_first(to: "#modal")

focus_first(lvn, opts)

See focus_first/1.

hide(opts \\ [])

Hides elements.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to hide. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :transition - A string of classes to apply before hiding or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-100", "opacity-0"}
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition from :transition. Defaults to 200.

During the process, the following events will be dispatched to the hidden elements:

  • When the action is triggered on the client, phx:hide-start is dispatched.
  • After the time specified by :time, phx:hide-end is dispatched.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>

<Button phx-click={LVN.hide(to: "#item")}>

<Button phx-click={LVN.hide(to: "#item", transition: "fade-out-scale")}>
  hide fancy!

hide(lvn, opts)

See hide/1.


Sends a patch event to the server and updates the browser's pushState history.


  • :replace - Whether to replace the browser's pushState history. Defaults to false.



patch(href, opts)

See patch/1.

patch(lvn, href, opts)

See patch/1.

pop_focus(lvn \\ %LVN{})

Focuses the last pushed element.




Pushes an event to the server.

  • event - The string event name to push.


  • :target - A selector or component ID to push to. This value will overwrite any phx-target attribute present on the element.
  • :loading - A selector to apply the phx loading classes to.
  • :page_loading - Boolean to trigger the phx:page-loading-start and phx:page-loading-stop events for this push. Defaults to false.
  • :value - A map of values to send to the server. These values will be merged over any phx-value-* attributes that are present on the element. All keys will be treated as strings when merging.


<Button phx-click={LVN.push("clicked")}>click me!</Button>
<Button phx-click={LVN.push("clicked", value: %{id: @id})}>click me!</Button>
<Button phx-click={LVN.push("clicked", page_loading: true)}>click me!</Button>

push(event, opts)

See push/1.

push(lvn, event, opts)

See push/1.

push_focus(opts \\ [])

Pushes focus from the source element to be later popped.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to push focus to. Defaults to the current element.


LVN.push_focus(to: "#my-Button")

push_focus(lvn, opts)

See push_focus/1.


Removes an attribute from elements.

  • attr - The string attribute name to remove.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to remove attributes from. Defaults to the interacted element.


<Button phx-click={LVN.remove_attribute("aria-expanded", to: "#dropdown")}>

remove_attribute(attr, opts)

See remove_attribute/1.

remove_attribute(lvn, attr, opts)

See remove_attribute/1.


Removes classes from elements.

  • names - A string with one or more class names to remove.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to remove classes from. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :transition - A string of classes to apply before removing classes or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition from :transition. Defaults to 200.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>
<Button phx-click={LVN.remove_class("highlight underline", to: "#item")}>
  remove highlight!

remove_class(lvn, names)

See remove_class/1.

remove_class(lvn, names, opts)

See remove_class/1.


Sets an attribute on elements.

Accepts a tuple containing the string attribute name/value pair.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to add attributes to. Defaults to the interacted element.


<Button phx-click={LVN.set_attribute({"aria-expanded", "true"}, to: "#dropdown")}>

set_attribute(lvn, opts)

See set_attribute/1.

set_attribute(lvn, arg, opts)

See set_attribute/1.

show(opts \\ [])

Shows elements.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to show. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :transition - A string of classes to apply before showing or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition from :transition. Defaults to 200.
  • :display - An optional display value to set when showing. Defaults to "block".

During the process, the following events will be dispatched to the shown elements:

  • When the action is triggered on the client, phx:show-start is dispatched.
  • After the time specified by :time, phx:show-end is dispatched.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>

<Button phx-click={ "#item")}>

<Button phx-click={ "#item", transition: "fade-in-scale")}>
  show fancy!

show(lvn, opts)

See show/1.

toggle(opts \\ [])

Toggles element visibility.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to toggle. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :in - A string of classes to apply when toggling in, or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}
  • :out - A string of classes to apply when toggling out, or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-100", "opacity-0"}
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition :in and :out classes. Defaults to 200.
  • :display - An optional display value to set when toggling in. Defaults to "block".

When the toggle is complete on the client, a phx:show-start or phx:hide-start, and phx:show-end or phx:hide-end event will be dispatched to the toggled elements.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>

<Button phx-click={LVN.toggle(to: "#item")}>
  toggle item!

<Button phx-click={LVN.toggle(to: "#item", in: "fade-in-scale", out: "fade-out-scale")}>
  toggle fancy!

toggle(lvn, opts)

See toggle/1.


Sets or removes element attribute based on attribute presence.

Accepts a two or three-element tuple:

  • {attr, val} - Sets the attribute to the given value or removes it
  • {attr, val1, val2} - Toggles the attribute between val1 and val2


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to set or remove attributes from. Defaults to the interacted element.


<Button phx-click={LVN.toggle_attribute({"aria-expanded", "true", "false"}, to: "#dropdown")}>

<Button phx-click={LVN.toggle_attribute({"open", "true"}, to: "#dialog")}>

toggle_attribute(lvn, opts)

See toggle_attribute/1.

toggle_attribute(lvn, arg, opts)

See toggle_attribute/1.


Adds or removes element classes based on presence.

  • names - A string with one or more class names to toggle.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to target. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :transition - A string of classes to apply before adding classes or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition from :transition. Defaults to 200.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>
<Button phx-click={LVN.toggle_class("active", to: "#item")}>
  toggle active!

toggle_class(lvn, names)

toggle_class(lvn, names, opts)


Transitions elements.

  • transition - A string of classes to apply before removing classes or a 3-tuple containing the transition class, the class to apply to start the transition, and the ending transition class, such as: {"ease-out duration-300", "opacity-0", "opacity-100"}

Transitions are useful for temporarily adding an animation class to elements, such as for highlighting content changes.


  • :to - An optional ViewTree selector to apply transitions to. Defaults to the interacted element.
  • :time - The time in milliseconds to apply the transition from :transition. Defaults to 200.


<Text id="item">My Item</Text>
<Button phx-click={LVN.transition("shake", to: "#item")}>Shake!</Button>

transition(transition, opts)

See transition/1.

transition(lvn, transition, opts)

See transition/1.