View Source LogfmtEx (logfmt_ex v0.4.2)

A convenience for formatting logs in logfmt, to be used with the Logger.Backends.Console backend.

To use, specify the {LogfmtEx, :format} tuple in the backend's configuration, replacing the format string:

config :logger, :console,
  format: {LogfmtEx, :format}



In logfmt, each line consists of a single level of key=value pairs, densely packed together.

For example:"I am a message", user_id: 123)

given the configuration

config :logger, :console,
  format: {LogfmtEx, :format},
  metadata: [:user_id, :pid, :file]

config :logfmt_ex, :opts,
  message_key: "msg",
  timestamp_key: "ts",
  timestamp_format: :iso8601

would emit:

level=info msg="I am a message" ts="12:38:38.055 1973-03-12" user_id=123 pid=#PID<0.223.0> file=myapp/some_module.exs



Several aspects of the format function can be customized via the application env in a config/config.exs file, under config :logfmt_ex, :opts:

  • :delimiter - defaults to =.
  • :format - A list of atoms that defines the order in which key/value pairs will written to the log line. Defaults to [:timestamp, :level, :message, :metadata]. Valid parameters are
    • :timestamp - the timestamp of the log message
    • :level - the log level
    • :message - the log message itself
    • :metadata - metadata as key=value paris
    • :node - the node name
  • timestamp_key - changes the key used for the timestamp field. Defaults to timestamp.
  • timestamp_format - How the timestamp is formatted. Defaults to :elixir. The options are
    • :elixir - Uses the same formatting functions found in the standard elixir log formatter. Example: "12:38:38.055 1973-03-12"
    • :epoch_seconds - outputs an integer representing the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970. Only useful for applications that emit logs sporadically.
    • :iso8601 - Formats the timestamp according to ISO8601-2019. Example: 2000-02-29T23:00:07
  • level_key - the key used for the log level. Defaults to level.
  • message_key - the key used for the message field. Defaults to message, but msg is a popular alternative.

For encoding your own structs and types, see the LogfmtEx.ValueEncoder protocol.

Link to this section Summary


A pattern is a list of valid pattern keys that determines in which order the key=value pairs are printed. It defaults to [:timestamp, :level, :message, :metadata].

Valid pattern keys. These mostly mimic the pattern keys in Logger.Formatter, though :time and :date are merged into :timestamp.

Link to this section Types

@type pattern() :: [pattern_keys()]

A pattern is a list of valid pattern keys that determines in which order the key=value pairs are printed. It defaults to [:timestamp, :level, :message, :metadata].

@type pattern_keys() :: :timestamp | :level | :message | :metadata | :node

Valid pattern keys. These mostly mimic the pattern keys in Logger.Formatter, though :time and :date are merged into :timestamp.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

format(level, message, arg, metadata, opts \\ [])

View Source

The main formatting function.

It is invoked by the console backend with four arguments:

May optionally be passed a list of options that is merged into the Application environment.