View Source Loupe.PhoenixLiveView.LiveComponent (Loupe v0.9.0)
Live view component that renders the entities. It also support nesting preloading of the relations though events.
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Applies a function on an entity at a given path. The path can contain integer, for list indexes or atom for struct's key.
Renders a list of struct or a struct recursively. It accepts the following attributes
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@spec map_entity_at( tree(), String.t() | [atom() | non_neg_integer()], update_function() ) :: tree()
Applies a function on an entity at a given path. The path can contain integer, for list indexes or atom for struct's key.
@spec render(map()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()
Renders a list of struct or a struct recursively. It accepts the following attributes:
(required): eitherlist(struct())
(required): Ecto definition module.definition_assigns
(optional): Assigns for the Ecto definition.inspect_modules
(optional): List of module that should be rendered directly usinginspect/1
(optional): Implementation of Loupe.PhoenixLiveView.Renderer behaviour.