View Source Luminous.Panel behaviour (luminous v2.6.1)

A panel represents a single visual element (chart) in a dashboard that can contain many queries. A panel is "refreshed" when the live view first loads, as well as when a variable or the time range are updated. The panel's data (as returned by the queries) are stored in Luminous.Dashboard.

The module defines a behaviour that must be implemented by concrete panels either inside Luminous (e.g. Luminous.Panel.Chart, Luminous.Panel.Stat etc.) or on the client side.

When a Panel is refreshed (refresh/3), the execution flow is as follows:

  • for each query:
    • execute the query (Luminous.Query.execute())
    • transform/2 the query result
  • reduce/3 (aggregate) the transformed query results

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A list of the available panel actions that will be transmitted as events using JS.dispatch using the format "panel:${panel_id}:${event}" The label will be shown in the dropdown. This is an optional callback -- if undefined (or if it returns []), then the dropdown is not rendered

Define the panel type's supported data attributes These will be used to parse, validate and populate the client's input

Define custom attributes specific to the concrete panel type These will be used to parse, validate and populate the client's input

aggregate all transformed results to a single map that will be sent for visualization

The phoenix function component that renders the panel. The panel's title, description tooltip, contextual menu etc. are rendered elsewhere. See Luminous.Components.panel/1 for a description of the available assigns.

transform a query result to view data acc. to the panel type


Initialize a panel. Verifies all supplied options both generic and the concrete panel's attributes. Will raise if the validation fails. The supported generic attributes are

Refresh all panel queries.

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Link to this section Callbacks

@callback actions() :: [%{event: binary(), label: binary()}]

A list of the available panel actions that will be transmitted as events using JS.dispatch using the format "panel:${panel_id}:${event}" The label will be shown in the dropdown. This is an optional callback -- if undefined (or if it returns []), then the dropdown is not rendered

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@callback data_attributes() :: Luminous.Attributes.Schema.t()

Define the panel type's supported data attributes These will be used to parse, validate and populate the client's input

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@callback panel_attributes() :: Luminous.Attributes.Schema.t()

Define custom attributes specific to the concrete panel type These will be used to parse, validate and populate the client's input

@callback reduce(list(), t(), Luminous.Dashboard.t()) :: map()

aggregate all transformed results to a single map that will be sent for visualization

@callback render(map()) :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t()

The phoenix function component that renders the panel. The panel's title, description tooltip, contextual menu etc. are rendered elsewhere. See Luminous.Components.panel/1 for a description of the available assigns.

@callback transform(Luminous.Query.result(), t()) :: any()

transform a query result to view data acc. to the panel type

Link to this section Functions

@spec define!(Keyword.t()) :: t()

Initialize a panel. Verifies all supplied options both generic and the concrete panel's attributes. Will raise if the validation fails. The supported generic attributes are:

  • :type (atom/0) - Required.

  • :id (atom/0) - Required.

  • :title (String.t/0) - The default value is "".

  • :hook - The default value is nil.

  • :queries (list of struct of type Luminous.Query)

  • :description - The default value is nil.

  • :attributes (keyword/0) - The default value is [].

  • :data_attributes - The default value is %{}.

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refresh(panel, variables, time_range)

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@spec refresh(t(), [Luminous.Variable.t()], Luminous.TimeRange.t()) :: [any()]

Refresh all panel queries.