

pub fn checked(event: Dynamic) -> Result(Bool, List(DecodeError))

A helpful decoder to extract the checked property from an event triggered by a checkbox.

pub fn mouse_position(event: Dynamic) -> Result(
  #(Float, Float),

A helpful decoder to grab the mouse’s current x and y position in the viewport from an event object.

pub external fn on(
  name: String,
  handler: fn(Dynamic) -> Option(msg),
) -> Attribute(msg)

Attach custom event handlers to an element. A number of helper functions exist in this module to cover the most common events and use-cases, so you should check those out first.

If you need to handle an event that isn’t covered by the helper functions, then you can use on to attach a custom event handler. The callback is given the event object as a Dynamic.

As a simple example, you can implement on_click like so:

import gleam/option.{Some}
import lustre/attribute.{Attribute}
import lustre/event

pub fn on_click(msg: msg) -> Attribute(msg) {
  use _ <- event.on("click")

By using gleam/dynamic you can decode the event object and pull out all sorts of useful data. This is how on_input is implemented:

import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/option.{None, Some}
import gleam/result
import lustre/attribute.{Attribute}
import lustre/event

pub fn on_input(msg: fn(String) -> msg) -> Attribute(msg) {
  use event, dispatch <- on("input")
  let decode = dynamic.field("target", dynamic.field("value", dynamic.string))

  case decode(event) {
    Ok(value) -> Some(msg(value))
    Error(_) -> None

You can take a look at the MDN reference for events here to see what you can decode.

Unlike the helpers in the rest of this module, it is possible to simply ignore the dispatch function and not dispatch a message at all. In fact, we saw this with the on_input example above: if we can’t decode the event object, we simply return None and emit nothing.

Beyond ignoring errors, this can be used to perform side effects we don’t need to observe in our main application loop, such as logging…

import gleam/io
import gleam/option.{None}
import lustre/attribute.{Attribute}
import lustre/event

pub fn log_on_click(msg: String) -> Attribute(msg) {
  use _ <- event.on("click")
pub fn on_blur(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_check(msg: fn(Bool) -> a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_click(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_focus(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_input(msg: fn(String) -> a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_keydown(msg: fn(String) -> a) -> Attribute(a)

Listens for key dow events on an element, and dispatches a message with the current key being pressed.

pub fn on_keypress(msg: fn(String) -> a) -> Attribute(a)

Listens for key presses on an element, and dispatches a message with the current key being pressed.

pub fn on_keyup(msg: fn(String) -> a) -> Attribute(a)

Listens for key up events on an element, and dispatches a message with the current key being released.

pub fn on_mouse_down(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_mouse_enter(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_mouse_leave(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_mouse_out(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_mouse_over(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_mouse_up(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn on_submit(msg: a) -> Attribute(a)
pub fn value(event: Dynamic) -> Result(String, List(DecodeError))

A helpful decoder to extract the value from an event object. This is handy for getting the value as a string from an input event, for example.

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