03 Side effects

Lustre’s implementation of the Model-View-Update architecture includes one additional piece of the puzzle: managed side effects. If we take the MVU diagram from the previous guide and upgrade it to include managed effects, it looks like this:

                                       |        |
                                       | update |
                                       |        |
                                         ^    |
                                         |    |
                                     Msg |    | #(Model, Effect(msg))
                                         |    |
                                         |    v
+------+                         +------------------------+
|      |  #(Model, Effect(msg))  |                        |
| init |------------------------>|     Lustre Runtime     |
|      |                         |                        |
+------+                         +------------------------+
                                         ^    |
                                         |    |
                                     Msg |    | Model
                                         |    |
                                         |    v
                                       |        |
                                       |  view  |
                                       |        |

Well what does managed effects mean, exactly? In Lustre, we expect your init, update, and view functions to be pure. That means they shouldn’t perform side effects like making an HTTP request or writing to local storage: we should be able to run your functions 100 times with the same input and get the same output every time!

Of course, in real applications performing HTTP requests and writing to local storage turn out to be quite useful things to do. If we shouldn’t perform side effects in our code how do we do them then? Lustre has an Effect type that tells the runtime what side effects to perform. So we say “Hey, I want to make an HTTP request to this URL and when you get the response, dispatch this message to me”. The runtime takes care of performing the side effect and turning the result into something our update function understands.

Why managed effects?

This can feel like a lot of ceremony to go through just to make an HTTP request. The natural question is: why not just let us make these requests ourselves?

Managed effects have a number of benefits that come from separating our programs from the outside world:

  1. Predictability: by keeping side effects out of our update function, we can be confident that our application’s state is only ever changed in one place. This makes it easier to reason about our code and track down bugs.

  2. Testability: because our application code is pure, we can test it without needing to mock out HTTP services or browser APIs. We can test our update function, for example, by passing in a sequence of messages: no network mocks required!

  3. Reusability: Lustre applications can run in a variety of environments and contexts. The more we push platform-specific code into managed effects, the easier time we’ll have running our application as a server component or as a static site.

Packages for common effects

The community has started to build packages that cover common side effects. For many applications it’s enough to drop these packages in and start using them without needing to write any custom effects.

Note: all of these packages are community maintained and unrelated to the core Lustre organisation. If you run into issues please open an issue on the package’s repository!

Running effects

We know that effects need to be performed by the runtime, but how does the runtime know when we want it to run an effect? If you have been using the lustre.simple application constructor until now, it is time to upgrade to lustre.application!

Full Lustre applications differ from simple applications in one important way by returning a tuple of #(Model, Effect(Msg)) from your init and update functions:

pub fn simple(
  init: fn(flags) -> model,
  update: fn(model, msg) -> model,
  view: fn(model) -> Element(msg),
) -> App(flags, model, msg)

pub fn application(
  init: fn(flags) -> #(model, Effect(msg)),
  update: fn(model, msg) -> #(model, Effect(msg)),
  view: fn(model) -> Element(msg),
) -> App(flags, model, msg)

We can, for example, launch an HTTP request on application start by using lustre_http.get in our init function:

fn init(_flags) {
  let model = Model(...)
  let get_ip = lustre_http.get(

  #(model, get_ip)

Note: to tell the runtime we don’t want to perform any side effects this time, we can use effect.none().

Writing your own effects

When you need to do something one of the existing packages doesn’t cover, you need to write your own effect. You can do that by passing a callback to effect.from. Custom effects are called with an argument – commonly called dispatch – that you can use to send messages back to your application’s update function.

Below is an example of a custom effect that reads a value from local storage:

// ffi.mjs
import { Ok, Error } from "./gleam.mjs";

export function read(key) {
  const value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
  return value ? new Ok(value) : new Error(undefined);
fn read(key: String, to_msg: fn(Result(String, Nil)) -> msg) -> Effect(msg) {
  effect.from(fn(dispatch) {
    |> to_msg
    |> dispatch

@external(javascript, "ffi.mjs", "read")
fn do_read(key: String) -> Result(String, Nil) {

Note: we provide a default implementation of the do_read function that always fails. Where possible it’s good to provide an implementation for all of Gleam’s targets. This makes it much easier to run your code as a server component in the future.

Effects that touch the DOM

Lustre runs all your side effects after your update function returns but before your view function is called. A common bug folks run into is trying to interact with a particular element in the DOM before it’s had a chance to render. As a rule of thumb, you should always wrap custom effects that interact with the DOM in a requestAnimationFrame call to ensure the DOM has had a chance to update first.

Effects without dispatch

So far, we have seen side effects that are expected to return something to our program. If we fire an HTTP request, it wouldn’t be much use if we couldn’t get the response back! Sometimes folks wrongly assume effects must use the dispatch function they’re given, but this isn’t true!

It’s also totally valid to write effects that don’t dispatch any messages. Earlier we saw an example of how to read from local storage, we might also want an effect to write to local storage and there’s not much to dispatch in that case!

// ffi.mjs
export function write(key, value) {
  window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
// app.gleam
fn write(key: String, value: String) -> Effect(msg) {
  effect.from(fn(_) {
    do_write(key, value)

@external(javascript, "ffi.mjs", "write")
fn do_write(key: String, value: String) -> Nil {

Effects with multiple dispatch

Similar to effects that don’t dispatch any messages, some folks skip over the fact effects can dispatch multiple messages. Packages like lustre_websocket and modem set up effects that will dispatch many messages over the lifetime of your program.

Once you have a reference to that dispatch function, you’re free to call it as many times as you want!

// ffi.mjs
export function every(interval, cb) {
  window.setInterval(cb, interval);
// app.gleam
fn every(interval: Int, tick: msg) -> Effect(msg) {
  effect.from(fn(dispatch) {
    do_every(interval, fn() {

@external(javascript, "ffi.mjs", "every")
fn do_every(interval: Int, cb: fn() -> Nil) -> Nil {

Here we set up an effect that will continuously dispatch a tick message at a fixed interval.

Related examples

If you’d like to see some of the ideas in action, we have a number of examples that demonstrate how Lustre’s effects system works in practice:

Getting help

If you’re having trouble with Lustre or not sure what the right way to do something is, the best place to get help is the Gleam Discord server. You could also open an issue on the Lustre GitHub repository.

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