Lustre for LiveView developers

Coming from LiveView, many things about Lustre will feel very familiar. But in many other ways it will be quite different. This guide is for LiveView developers who are new to Lustre and want to get up to speed quickly.

How do I…?

Setup a new project

In LiveView you create a new Phoenix project with mix A simple hello world might look like this:

 # lib/my_app_web/live/hello_live.ex
 defmodule MyAppWeb.HelloLive do
  use MyAppWeb, :live_view

  def render(assigns) do
    <h1>Hello, Joe</h1>

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, socket}

To start your dev server, run mix phx.start

In Lustre, after you’ve created a new Gleam project with gleam new, you need to install the lustre package with gleam add lustre. Most Lustre projects will dd the dev tools too with gleam add --dev lustre_dev_tools. A simple hello world might look like this:

// main.gleam
import lustre
import lustre/element/html

pub fn main() {
  let app = lustre.element(html.h1([], [html.text("Hello, Joe")]))
  let assert Ok(_) = lustre.start(app, "#app", Nil)

To start your dev server, run gleam run -m lustre/dev start

Render some HTML

In LiveView you use HEEx templates to render HTML elements. This looks like HTML and allows you to interpolate Elixir code and dynamic values in your template.

<button class="primary">Click me</button>

In Lustre HTML is rendered by calling functions. Usually the first argument is a list of Attribute types, and the second argument a list of Element type children.

button([class("primary")], [text("Click me")])

Render some text

In LiveView a string is a valid type of node, so you can render text by just writing it in your HEEx template:


To concatenate text with other variables or expressions, you can use <%= %> tags.

<span>Hello <%= @name %></span>

In Lustre because of Gleam’s type system, all elements must be Lustre’s Element type. To render text you need to use the text function:

span([], [
  text("Hello" <> name),

Manage state

In LiveView all your state is stored in the assigns key of the socket. Updates happen by sending events to the LiveView process, where the event handlers will update the relevant state and return the updated socket.

def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  socket = assign(socket, :value, 1)
  {:ok, socket}

def handle_event("increment", _params, socket) do
  {:noreply, update(socket, :value, &(&1 + 1))}

def handle_event("decrement", _params, socket) do
  {:noreply, update(socket, :value, &(&1 - 1))}

In Lustre all state is stored in a single Model type and updates happen through a central update function. A notable difference here is that Gleam does not allow pattern matching in function heads, so instead you use a case statement to match on the different messages and handle them accordingly.

fn init(_) {

type Msg {

fn update(model, msg) {
  case msg {
    Incr -> model + 1
    Decr -> model - 1

Handle events

In LiveView you can bind messages to events in your HEEx template and define handle_event/3 functions that receive the event name, any addtional parameters and the socket. These usually change some kind of state, and return the updated socket. LiveView provides handlers for most common events and passes the accompanying values to your event handler.

<button phx-click="decrement">-</button>
<input phx-change="update_input"> />

With a bit of JavaScript you can also handle events that are not provided in LiveView.

<div id="my-div" phx-hook="MouseMove"></div>
let Hooks = {};

Hooks.MouseMove = {
  mounted() {
    this.el.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {

In Lustre event handlers are decoders for event objects. When the decoders succeeds, that value is passed to your update function. Lustre provides functions to handle most common events.

button([on_click(Decr)], [text("-")])
div([on("mousemove", fn(event) {
}], [...])

Write a component

In LiveView you can define function components to organise and reuse markup.

def render(assigns) do
    <.greet name={@name} />

defp greet(assigns) do
    <h1>Hello, <%= @name %></h1>

LiveView also allows for live components that contain state, markup and events, but Lustre does not have the equivalent of these.

In Lustre components are more commonly referred to as “view functions”. They are regular Gleam functions.

fn greet(name: String) -> Element(Msg) {
  html.h1([], [html.text("Hello, "  <> name)])

Fetch data

In LiveView

In Lustre

Where to go next

To walk through setting up a new Lustre project and building your first app, check out the quickstart guide.

If you prefer to learn by example, we have a collection of examples that show off specific features and patterns in Lustre. You can find them in the examples directory

If you’re having trouble with Lustre or not sure what the right way to do something is, the best place to get help is the Gleam Discord server. You could also open an issue on the Lustre GitHub repository.

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