Lustre Dev Tools

Lustre's official CLI and development tooling.

Available on Hex

Lustre | Commands | Discord

Built with ❤︎ by Hayleigh Thompson and Giacomo Cavalieri



Lustre’s dev tools are designed to make the experience as simple as possible for folks unfamiliar with frontend development or are exhausted at the state of JavaScript tooling. That means being opinionated about the tools we support and the commands we provide.

If you find yourself needing more configuration or control over your build process, you might be outgrowing what Lustre’s dev tools have set out to provide! We’d love to hear from those users too, though, so please open an issue or reach out on Discord if you think something is missing.

For more advanced users, we recommend using vite and the vite-gleam package.


Lustre’s dev tools are published on Hex! You can add them to your Gleam projects from the command line:

gleam add lustre_dev_tools --dev

Note: make sure you remember the --dev flag! This ensures the dev tools are never included in production builds.

To run any of the commands provided by the dev tools, you should run the lustre/dev module using Gleam’s run command:

gleam run -m lustre/dev build app



Lustre is mostly built by just me, Hayleigh, around two jobs. If you’d like to support my work, you can sponsor me on GitHub.

Contributions are also very welcome! If you’ve spotted a bug, or would like to suggest a feature, please open an issue or a pull request.

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