
The breadcrumb element helps users understand their current location in a hierarchical navigation structure and provides an easy way to navigate back up to parent pages.

Common uses for breadcrumbs include:


A breadcrumb is made up of different parts:


Below are some recipes that show common uses of the breadcrumb element.

Basic breadcrumb navigation:

import lustre/attribute
import lustre/element/html
import lustre/ui/breadcrumb.{breadcrumb}

pub fn nav() {
  breadcrumb([], [
    breadcrumb.item([], [
      html.a([attribute.href("/")], [html.text("Home")]),
    breadcrumb.item([], [
      html.a([attribute.href("/documents")], [html.text("Documents")]),
    breadcrumb.current([], [html.text("My Document")])

Breadcrumb with collapsed items:

import lustre/element/html
import lustre/ui/breadcrumb.{breadcrumb}

pub fn nav() {
  breadcrumb([], [
    breadcrumb.item([], [
      html.a([attribute.href("/")], [html.text("Home")]),
    breadcrumb.ellipsis([], "Collapsed navigation items"),
    breadcrumb.current([], [html.text("My Document")])


It is possible to control some aspects of a breadcrumb’s styling through CSS variables. You may want to do this in cases where you are integrating lustre/ui into an existing design system and you want the breadcrumb element to match elements outside of this package.

The following CSS variables can be set in your own stylesheets:


pub fn breadcrumb(
  attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
  children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)

The breadcrumb element is used to contain an ordered sequence of navigation items that helps a user understand their current location in a hierarchical navigation structure.

The breadcrumb container creates a semantic <nav> element with its children wrapped in an ordered list (<ol>).

pub fn chevron(attributes: List(Attribute(a))) -> Element(a)

A `separator that renders a chevron icon.

pub fn current(
  attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
  children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)

Represents the current page or the user’s current location in the hierarchy. This element should never be a link, and instead would typically include just a text label or icon.

For correct accessibility and semantics, yhis element has the following ARIA attributes:

  • role="link"
  • aria-disabled="true"
  • aria-current="page"
pub fn dot(attributes: List(Attribute(a))) -> Element(a)

A `separator that renders a filled dot icon.

pub fn ellipsis(
  attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
  label: String,
) -> Element(a)

The ellipsis element is used to indicate where multiple navigation items have been collapsed to preserve space.

The single child of the ellipsis element is a text label that is read out by screen readers to indicate that the items have been collapsed.

For correct accessibility and semantics, this element has the following ARIA attributes:

  • role="presentation"
pub fn item(
  attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
  children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)

Represents a single item in a breadcrumb navigation structure. Typically you would render an <a> element inside an item to create a clickable link.

pub fn separator(
  attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
  content: Element(a),
) -> Element(a)

The separator element is used to visually separate navigation items in a breadcrumb. It is typically a small icon or character like a chevron or forward slash that helps users visualise the hierarchy.

For correct accessibility and semantics, this element has the following ARIA attributes:

  • role="presentation"
  • aria-hidden="true"
pub fn slash(attributes: List(Attribute(a))) -> Element(a)

A `separator that renders a forward slash icon.

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