Machinery (machinery v1.1.0) View Source

This is the main Machinery module.

It keeps most of the Machinery logics, it's the module that will be imported with use on the module responsible for the state machine.

Declare the states as an argument when importing Machinery on the module that will control your states transitions.

Machinery expects a Keyword as argument with two keys states and transitions.


  • opts: A Keyword including states and transitions.
    • states: A List of Strings representing each state.
    • transitions: A Map for each state and it allowed next state(s).


  defmodule YourProject.UserStateMachine do
    use Machinery,
      # The first state declared will be considered
      # the intial state
      states: ["created", "partial", "complete"],
      transitions: %{
        "created" =>  ["partial", "complete"],
        "partial" => "completed"

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Main macro function that will be executed upon the load of the module using it.

Start function that will trigger a supervisor for the Machinery.Transitions, a GenServer that controls the state transitions.

Triggers the transition of a struct to a new state, accordingly to a specific state machine module, if it passes any existing guard functions. It also runs any before or after callbacks and returns a tuple with {:ok, struct}, or {:error, "reason"}.

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Main macro function that will be executed upon the load of the module using it.

It basically stores the states and transitions.

It expects a Keyword as argument with two keys states and transitions.

  • states: A List of Strings representing each state.
  • transitions: A Map for each state and it allowed next state(s).

P.S. The first state declared will be considered the initial state

Start function that will trigger a supervisor for the Machinery.Transitions, a GenServer that controls the state transitions.

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transition_to(struct, state_machine_module, next_state, extra_metadata \\ None)

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transition_to(struct(), module(), String.t(), map()) ::
  {:ok, struct()} | {:error, String.t()}

Triggers the transition of a struct to a new state, accordingly to a specific state machine module, if it passes any existing guard functions. It also runs any before or after callbacks and returns a tuple with {:ok, struct}, or {:error, "reason"}.


  • struct: The struct you want to transit to another state.
  • state_machine_module: The module that holds the state machine logic, where Machinery as imported.
  • next_state: String of the next state you want to transition to.
  • extra_metadata(optional): Map with extra data you might want to access in any of the Machinery functions (callbacks, guard, log, persist).


Machinery.transition_to(%User{state: :partial}, UserStateMachine, "completed")
{:ok, %User{state: "completed"}}

# Or

Machinery.transition_to(%User{state: :partial}, UserStateMachine, "completed", %{verified: true})
{:ok, %User{state: "completed"}}