MailAddress v1.0.1 MailAddress.Parser View Source

Functions to parse mail addresses.

Link to this section Summary


Parses an email address, with options configured by the options parameter

Checks if the given email address string has valid syntax by attempting to parse it, using the provided (or default) options

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function parse(arg, options \\ %MailAddress.Options{}) View Source

Parses an email address, with options configured by the options parameter.

Parsing begins at the first character of the string and continues until either the closing bracket (if configured to use require_brackets in the options, or an opening bracket was the first character of the string), a character is encountered which would not be valid in a domain, or end of string is reached.

Returns either {:ok, parsed_address, remainder_of_string} or {:error, error_reason_string}.


iex> {:ok, addr, ""} = MailAddress.Parser.parse("")
iex> addr

iex> MailAddress.Parser.parse("test@example.invalid_domain!")
{:error, "unexpected character (_)"}

iex> {:ok, addr, ""} = MailAddress.Parser.parse("<>", %MailAddress.Options{require_brackets: true, allow_null: true})
iex> addr

iex> MailAddress.Parser.parse("<>", %MailAddress.Options{require_brackets: true, allow_null: false})
{:error, "address can't be null"}

iex> MailAddress.Parser.parse("abc@def", %MailAddress.Options{require_brackets: true})
{:error, "opening bracket ('<') expected"}

iex> {:ok, addr, ""} = MailAddress.Parser.parse("test@EXAMPLE.ORG", %MailAddress.Options{downcase_domain: true})
iex> addr

iex> {:ok, addr, " some more text"} = MailAddress.Parser.parse("<> some more text")
iex> addr
Link to this function valid?(address, options \\ %MailAddress.Options{}) View Source

Checks if the given email address string has valid syntax by attempting to parse it, using the provided (or default) options.

Returns true if valid, false if invalid.


iex> MailAddress.Parser.valid?("")

iex> MailAddress.Parser.valid?("")

iex> MailAddress.Parser.valid?("\"@invalid\"")