MailSlurpAPI.Api.ConnectorController (mailslurp v15.17.22)

API calls for all endpoints tagged ConnectorController.



Create an inbox connector Sync emails between external mailboxes and MailSlurp inboxes

Get all inbox connector sync events

Get an inbox connector sync event

Get an inbox connector sync events

Get inbox connectors List inbox connectors that sync external emails to MailSlurp inboxes


Link to this function

create_connector(connection, create_connector_options, opts \\ [])

Create an inbox connector Sync emails between external mailboxes and MailSlurp inboxes


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • create_connector_options (CreateConnectorOptions):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

delete_connector(connection, id, opts \\ [])

@spec delete_connector(Tesla.Env.client(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, nil} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Delete an inbox connector


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • id (String.t):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

get_all_connector_sync_events(connection, opts \\ [])

@spec get_all_connector_sync_events(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, MailSlurpAPI.Model.PageConnectorSyncEvents.t()}
  | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Get all inbox connector sync events


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters
    • :page (integer()): Optional page index in connector list pagination
    • :size (integer()): Optional page size in connector list pagination
    • :sort (String.t): Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC
    • :since (DateTime.t): Filter by created at after the given timestamp
    • :before (DateTime.t): Filter by created at before the given timestamp


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

get_connector(connection, id, opts \\ [])

@spec get_connector(Tesla.Env.client(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, MailSlurpAPI.Model.ConnectorDto.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Get an inbox connector


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • id (String.t):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

get_connector_sync_event(connection, id, opts \\ [])

@spec get_connector_sync_event(Tesla.Env.client(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, MailSlurpAPI.Model.ConnectorSyncEventDto.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Get an inbox connector sync event


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • id (String.t):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

get_connector_sync_events(connection, id, opts \\ [])

@spec get_connector_sync_events(Tesla.Env.client(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, MailSlurpAPI.Model.PageConnectorSyncEvents.t()}
  | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Get an inbox connector sync events


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • id (String.t):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters
    • :page (integer()): Optional page index in connector list pagination
    • :size (integer()): Optional page size in connector list pagination
    • :sort (String.t): Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC
    • :since (DateTime.t): Filter by created at after the given timestamp
    • :before (DateTime.t): Filter by created at before the given timestamp


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

get_connectors(connection, opts \\ [])

@spec get_connectors(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, MailSlurpAPI.Model.PageConnector.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Get inbox connectors List inbox connectors that sync external emails to MailSlurp inboxes


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters
    • :page (integer()): Optional page index in connector list pagination
    • :size (integer()): Optional page size in connector list pagination
    • :sort (String.t): Optional createdAt sort direction ASC or DESC
    • :since (DateTime.t): Filter by created at after the given timestamp
    • :before (DateTime.t): Filter by created at before the given timestamp


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

sync_connector(connection, id, opts \\ [])

@spec sync_connector(Tesla.Env.client(), String.t(), keyword()) ::
  {:ok, MailSlurpAPI.Model.ConnectorSyncRequestResult.t()}
  | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Sync an inbox connector


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • id (String.t):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters


} on success {:error, info} on failure

Link to this function

update_connector(connection, id, create_connector_options, opts \\ [])

Update an inbox connector


  • connection (MailSlurpAPI.Connection): Connection to server
  • id (String.t):
  • create_connector_options (CreateConnectorOptions):
  • opts (KeywordList): [optional] Optional parameters


} on success {:error, info} on failure