API Reference mailslurp v15.17.22


API calls for all endpoints tagged AliasController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged AttachmentController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged BounceController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged BulkActionsController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged CommonActionsController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ConnectorController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ContactController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged DomainController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged EmailController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged EmailVerificationController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExpiredController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ExportController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged FormController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged GroupController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged InboxController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged InboxForwarderController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged InboxReplierController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged InboxRulesetController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged MailServerController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged MissedEmailController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged PhoneController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged SentEmailsController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged SmsController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged TemplateController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged ToolsController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged TrackingController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged UserController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged WaitForController.

API calls for all endpoints tagged WebhookController.

Handle Tesla connections for MailSlurpAPI.

Helper functions for deserializing responses into models

Abstract webhook payload. Use the correct payload type for your webhook event type in order to access all the specific properties for that event. See the `NEW_EMAIL`,`NEW_CONTACT`, `NEW_ATTACHMENT` and `EMAIL_OPENED` payloads for the properties available for those events.

Email alias representation

Representation of a alias

Meta data associated with an attachment. Attachments are stored as byte blobs so the meta data is stored separately.

Basic Authentication options for webhooks. Will be used is present when calling webhook endpoints.

Options for bulk sending an email from multiple addresses. See regular `sendEmail` methods for more information.

Options for matching emails in an inbox based on a condition such as `HAS_ATTACHMENTS=TRUE`

Contact object. For saving a user in contact book.

Email contact for address book

Options for matching content using regex patterns based on Java Pattern syntax

Number of elements

Create email alias options. Email aliases can be used to mask real email addresses behind an ID. You can also attach an inbox to an alias so that any email received by the inbox email address if forwarded to the alias email address.

Options for creating an email contact in address book

Options for creating a domain to use with MailSlurp. You must have ownership access to this domain in order to verify it. Domains will not function correctly until the domain has been verified. See https://www.mailslurp.com/guides/custom-domains for help. Domains can be either `HTTP` or `SMTP` type. The type of domain determines which inboxes can be used with it. `SMTP` inboxes use a mail server running `mx.mailslurp.com` while `HTTP` inboxes are handled by AWS SES.

Create contact group options

Options for creating an inbox. An inbox has a real email address that can send and receive emails. Inboxes can be permanent or expire at a given time. Inboxes are either `SMTP` or `HTTP` mailboxes. `SMTP` inboxes are processed by a mail server running at `mailslurp.mx` while `HTTP` inboxes are processed by AWS SES backed mailservers. An inbox email address is randomly assigned by default ending in either `mailslurp.com` or (if `useDomainPool` is enabled) ending in a similar domain such as `mailslurp.xyz` (selected at random). To specify an address use a custom domain: either pass the `emailAddress` options with `<your-recipient>@<your-domain>`. To create a randomized address for your domain set the `domainName` to the domain you have verified or pass the `domainId`. Virtual inboxes prevent outbound sending and instead trap mail.

Options for creating an inbox forwarder

Options for creating an inbox replier. Repliers can be attached to inboxes and send automated responses when an inbound email matches given criteria.

Options for creating inbox rulesets. Inbox rulesets can be used to block, allow, filter, or forward emails when sending or receiving using the inbox.

Options for creating a tracking pixel for email open tracking

Options for creating a webhook. Webhooks can be attached to inboxes and MailSlurp will POST a webhook payload to the URL specified whenever the webhook's event is triggered. Webhooks are great for processing many inbound emails and responding to other events at scale. Customize the payload sent to your endpoint by setting the `requestBodyTemplate` property to a string with moustache style variables. Property names from the standard payload model for the given event are available as variables.

Domain record description

Options for DNS query.

DNS lookup result. Includes record type, time to live, raw response, and name value for the name server response.

Results of query on domain name servers

Domain plus verification records and status

DNS Record required for verification of a domain. Record vary depending on domain type.

Preview object for domain entity

Email entity (also known as EmailDto). When an SMTP email message is received by MailSlurp it is parsed. The body and attachments are written to disk and the fields such as to, from, subject etc are stored in a database. The `body` contains the email content. If you want the original SMTP message see the `getRawEmail` endpoints. The attachments can be fetched using the AttachmentController

Analysis result for email. Each verdict property is a string PASS|FAIL|GRAY or dynamic error message

Matches for the given pattern

Preview of an email message. For full message (including body and attachments) call the `getEmail` or other email endpoints with the provided email ID.

A compact representation of a full email. Used in list endpoints to keep response sizes low. Body and attachments are not included. To get all fields of the email use the `getEmail` method with the email projection's ID. See `EmailDto` for documentation on projection properties.

The `To`,`CC`,`BCC` recipients stored in object form with email address and name accessible.

Parsed text of an email

Email verification result. Valid means email address exists according to response from mail server running at the domain and port given.

Expiration defaults for your account

Export download link

Options for exporting user data

Options for filtering bounced email recipients

Remaining recipients that were filtered to remove bounced recipients

Result from calling expire on any inboxes that have applicable expiration dates given current time.

Options for forwarding an email

Describes contacts attached to a contact group

Contact group data

Data for contact group

HTML Validation Results

Access details for inbox using SMTP or IMAP

Result of search for inbox by email address

Result of search for inbox by name

Representation of a MailSlurp inbox. An inbox has an ID and a real email address. Emails can be sent to or from this email address. Inboxes are either `SMTP` or `HTTP` mailboxes. The default, `HTTP` inboxes, use AWS SES to process emails and are best suited as test email accounts and do not support IMAP or POP3. `SMTP` inboxes use a custom mail server at `mx.mailslurp.com` and support SMTP login, IMAP and POP3. Use the `EmailController` or the `InboxController` methods to send and receive emails and attachments. Inboxes may have a description, name, and tags for display purposes. You can also favourite an inbox for easier searching.

Result of email exists query

Inbox forwarder. Describes how an inbox will forward matching emails to designated recipients.

Options for testing an inbox forwarder against a value

Results of inbox forwarder test

Inbox ID and email address pair

List of inbox IDs and email addresses

Inbox data preview element.

Inbox replier. Will automatically reply to inbound emails that match given field for an inbox.

Test options for inbox ruleset

Result of test of inbox ruleset

Byte array request body

IP Address look up result for a given domain / hostname

JSONSchema for payload

Options for matching emails in an inbox. Each match option object contains a `field`, `should` and `value` property. Together they form logical conditions such as `SUBJECT` should `CONTAIN` value.

Optional filter for matching emails based on fields. For instance filter results to only include emails whose `SUBJECT` value does `CONTAIN` given match value. An example payload would be `{ matches: [{ field: 'SUBJECT', should: 'CONTAIN', value: 'Welcome' }] }`. You can also pass conditions such as `HAS_ATTACHMENT`. If you wish to extract regex matches inside the email content see the `getEmailContentMatch` method in the EmailController.

Paginated email alias results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated attachment entity results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated bounced email. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated bounced recipients. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated complaint email. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox connectors. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox connector sync events. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated contact results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated delivery status results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated email preview results. EmailProjections and EmailPreviews are essentially the same but have legacy naming issues. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls. For emails there are several methods for fetching message bodies and attachments.

Paginated email projection results. EmailProjections and EmailPreviews are essentially the same but have legacy naming issues. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full email entity use the projection ID with individual method calls. For emails there are several methods for fetching message bodies and attachments.

Paginated email validation request records. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated expired inbox results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated missed email results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox forwarder results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox forwarder events. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox replier results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox replier events. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated inbox ruleset results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated list unsubscribe recipients. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated MissedEmail results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated organization inbox results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated phone numbers. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated scheduled jobs results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated sent email results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full sent email entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated sent email results for emails sent with queue. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full sent email entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated SMS messages. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated email template results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated email projection results. EmailProjections and EmailPreviews are essentially the same but have legacy naming issues. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full email entity use the projection ID with individual method calls. For emails there are several methods for fetching message bodies and attachments.

Paginated TrackingPixel results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated unknown MissedEmail results. Unknown missed emails are emails that were sent to MailSlurp /Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated webhook entity. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Paginated webhook results. Page index starts at zero. Projection results may omit larger entity fields. For fetching a full entity use the projection ID with individual method calls.

Content in raw format

Options for replying to an alias email using the alias inbox

Options for replying to email with API

Options for the email to be sent

Options for the email envelope

Sender object containing from email address and from personal name if provided in address

Sent email details

Options for setting inbox favourite state

Simplified send email options

Options for matching SMS messages in a phone number. Each match option object contains a `field`, `should` and `value` property. Together they form logical conditions such as `BODY` should `CONTAIN` value.

Variable for use with email template

Options for testing new inbox forwarder rules

A thread is a message thread created for a message received by an alias

Unknown missed email projection

Number of unread entities

Number of unseen errors

Options for creating a domain to use with MailSlurp. You must have ownership access to this domain in order to verify it. Domains will not functionally currently until the domain has been verified. See https://www.mailslurp.com/guides/custom-domains for help.

Update group contacts options. Pass a list of contact ids to replace existing group contacts.

Options for updating inbox properties

Options for updating an inbox replier

Options for uploading files for attachments. When sending emails with the API that require attachments first upload each attachment. Then use the returned attachment ID in your `SendEmailOptions` when sending an email. This way you can use attachments multiple times once they have been uploaded.

Options for validating a list of email addresses

Result of validating a list of email addresses

Response object for email validation operation

Optional warnings resulting from HTML validation

Options for verifying that an email address exists at a remote mail server.

Conditions to apply to emails that you are waiting for

Conditions to apply to emails that you are waiting for

BOUNCE webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email bounced or was rejected by a recipient. Save the recipients to a ban list on your server and avoid emailing them again. It is recommended you also listen to the BOUNCE_RECIPIENT payload.

BOUNCE_RECIPIENT webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email caused a bounce to occur for a recipient. Save the recipient to a ban list of your server and avoid email them again.

DELIVERY_STATUS webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email delivery status is created. This could be a successful delivery or a delivery failure.

Representation of a webhook for an inbox. The URL specified will be using by MailSlurp whenever an email is received by the attached inbox. A webhook entity should have a URL that points to your server. Your server should accept HTTP/S POST requests and return a success 200. MailSlurp will retry your webhooks if they fail. See https://api.mailslurp.com/schemas/webhook-payload for the payload schema.

EMAIL_OPENED webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email containing a tracking pixel is opened and the pixel image is loaded by a reader.

EMAIL_READ webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email is read. This happens when an email is requested in full from the API or a user views the email in the dashboard.

Name value pair for webhook header

Webhook HTTP headers to include with each request from MailSlurp to your server

NEW_ATTACHMENT webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email is received by the inbox that your webhook is attached to that contains an attachment. You can use the attachmentId to download the attachment.

NEW_CONTACT webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email is received by the inbox that your webhook is attached to that contains a recipient that has not been saved as a contact.

NEW_EMAIL webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an email is received by the inbox that your webhook is attached to. Use the email ID to fetch the full email body or attachments.

NEW_SMS webhook payload. Sent to your webhook url endpoint via HTTP POST when an sms is received by the phone number that your webhook is attached to. Use the SMS ID to fetch the full SMS details.

Representation of a webhook

Result of retrying webhook

Result of a webhook notification

Result of webhook test request

Response from webhook test request

Results of testing a webhook

Helper functions for building Tesla requests