View Source Makeup (Makeup v1.1.0)

Syntax highlighting library for code, inspired by Pygments.

By default, it doesn't include any lexers. You must import them separately (even the Elixir lexer).

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Highlights the given string using the given lexer and formatter.

Generates a CSS stylesheet for highlighted code for the given style.

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highlight(source, options \\ [])

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Highlights the given string using the given lexer and formatter.

By default it highlight the Elixir language using HTML

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highlight_inner_html(source, options \\ [])

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stylesheet(style \\ StyleMap.default_style(), css_class \\ "highlight")

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Generates a CSS stylesheet for highlighted code for the given style.

It expects a style, either as an atom name or as StyleMap, and the css_class as the top level class for highlighted code.

Ff the css_class is "highlight" (the default), the stylesheet has the form:

.highlight .someclass {...}
.highlight .anotherclass {...}

See Makeup.Styles.HTML.StyleMap for all style maps.