Mapail v1.0.2 Maptu.Extension

Contains custom functions extending Maptu and superfluous to Maptu requirements. This module builds on top of maptu.ex and with extracts and modifications of maptu.ex. Mapail would not work without the additional functionality in this module.

Maptu Creators:

- [Andrea Leopardi](
- [Aleksei Magusev](

Maptu License:


Modified by:

- Stephen Moloney



Behaves like Maptu.Extension.struct_rest/1 but returns the residual rest map rather than the struct and raises in case of error

Behaves like Maptu.Extension.struct_rest/2 but returns the residual rest map rather than the struct and raises in case of error

Converts a map to a struct, silently capturing residual key => value pairs into a map with keys in the String.t format

Builds the mod struct with the given fields, silently capturing residual key => value pairs into a map with keys in the String.t format


non_strict_error_reason ::
  :missing_struct_key |
  :atom_key_not_expected |
  {:bad_module_name, binary} |
  {:non_existing_module, binary} |
  {:non_struct, module}
strict_error_reason ::
  non_strict_error_reason |
  {:non_existing_atom, binary} |
  {:non_existing_module, binary} |
  {:unknown_struct_field, module, atom}


rest!(map) :: map | no_return

Behaves like Maptu.Extension.struct_rest/1 but returns the residual rest map rather than the struct and raises in case of error.

This function behaves like Maptu.Extension.struct_rest/1, but it returns the rest map (instead of {:ok, struct, rest}) if the conversion is valid, and raises an ArgumentError exception if it’s not valid.


iex>!(%{"__struct__" => "Elixir.URI", "port" => 8080})

iex>!(%{"__struct__" => "Elixir.URI", "port" => 8080, "foo" => 1})
%{"foo" => 1}

iex>!(%{"__struct__" => "Elixir.GenServer"})
** (ArgumentError) module is not a struct: GenServer
rest!(mod, fields)
rest!(module, map) :: map | no_return

Behaves like Maptu.Extension.struct_rest/2 but returns the residual rest map rather than the struct and raises in case of error.

This function behaves like Maptu.Extension.struct_rest/2, but it returns the rest map (instead of {:ok, struct, rest}) if the conversion is valid, and raises an ArgumentError exception if it’s not valid.


iex>!(URI, %{"port" => 8080, "nonexisting_field" => 1})
%{"nonexisting_field" => 1}

iex>!(GenServer, %{})
** (ArgumentError) module is not a struct: GenServer
struct_rest(map) ::
  {:ok, struct, map} |
  {:error, non_strict_error_reason}

Converts a map to a struct, silently capturing residual key => value pairs into a map with keys in the String.t format.

map is a map with binary keys that represents a “dumped” struct; it must contain a "__struct__" key with a binary value that can be converted to a valid module name. If the value of "__struct__" is not a module name or it’s a module that isn’t a struct, then an error is returned.

Keys in map that are not fields of the resulting struct are are collected along with their respective values into a separate map denoted by rest.

This function returns {:ok, struct, rest} if the conversion is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.


iex> Maptu.Extension.struct_rest(%{"__struct__" => "Elixir.URI", "port" => 8080, "foo" => 1})
{:ok, %URI{port: 8080}, %{"foo" => 1}}

iex> Maptu.Extension.struct_rest(%{"__struct__" => "Elixir.GenServer"})
{:error, {:non_struct, GenServer}}
struct_rest(mod, fields)
struct_rest(module, map) ::
  {:ok, struct, map} |
  {:error, non_strict_error_reason}

Builds the mod struct with the given fields, silently capturing residual key => value pairs into a map with keys in the String.t format.

This function takes a struct mod (mod should be a module that defines a struct) and a map of fields with binary keys. It builds the mod struct by safely parsing the fields in fields.

If a key in fields doesn’t map to a field in the resulting struct, the key and it’s respective value are collected into a separate map denoted by rest.

This function returns {:ok, struct, rest} if the building is successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.


iex> Maptu.Extension.struct_rest(URI, %{"port" => 8080, "nonexisting_field" => 1})
{:ok, %URI{port: 8080}, %{"nonexisting_field" => 1}}
iex> Maptu.Extension.struct_rest(GenServer, %{})
{:error, {:non_struct, GenServer}}