API Reference maxwell v2.4.0


The maxwell specification.

Define adapter behaviour.

Utils for Adapter

Conveniences for building maxwell.

Adapter macro.

Methods for setting up middlewares.

Utils for builder

The Maxwell connection.

Error raised when trying to modify or send an already sent request

Error raised when no request is sent in a connection

Exception %Maxwell.Error{:url, :reason, :message, :status, :conn}

Sets the base url for all requests in this module.

Decode response's body to json when

Encode request's body to json when request's body is not nil

A circuit breaker middleware which uses fuse under the covers.

Forces all request headers to be of a certain case.

Add fixed headers to request's headers

Encode request's body to json when request's body is not nil Decode response's body to json when reponse's header contain {'Content-Type', "application/json"} and body is binary or Reponse's body is list

Log the request and response by Logger, default log_level is :info. Setting log_level in 3 ways

Merge adapter's options (keyword list) to adapter's options

Decode reponse's body's rels.

Retries requests if a connection is refused up to a pre-defined limit.

Process mutipart for adapter

Conveniences for decoding and encoding url encoded queries.