MBU: Mix Build Utilities v3.0.0 MBU.TaskUtils View Source

Utilities for project build tasks.

Link to this section Summary


A watch specification or program specification that is used internally to keep track of running programs and watches


Start an external program with apprunner

Kill a running program or watch

Listen to messages from the given specs and print them to the screen

Print file size of given file in human readable form

Run the given functions in parallel and wait for them all to stop before returning

Run the given Mix task and wait for it to stop before returning

Run the given tasks in parallel and wait for them all to stop before returning

Wait for user’s enter key and send a message :user_input_received to the given target process when enter was pressed

Start watching a path. Name is used for prefixing logs

Link to this section Types

Link to this type buildspec() View Source
buildspec() ::
    callback: term(),
    events: term(),
    name: term(),
    name_atom: term(),
    path: term(),
    pid: term(),
    waiting_to_trigger: term()
  | %MBU.TaskUtils.ProgramSpec{
      name: term(),
      pending_output: term(),
      port: term()

A watch specification or program specification that is used internally to keep track of running programs and watches.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function exec(executable, args, opts \\ []) View Source
exec(String.t(), list(), list()) :: %MBU.TaskUtils.ProgramSpec{
  name: term(),
  pending_output: term(),
  port: term()

Start an external program with apprunner.

Apprunner handles killing the program if BEAM is abruptly shut down. Name is used as a prefix for logging output.

Options that can be given:

  • name: Use as name for logging, otherwise name of binary is used.
  • cd: Directory to change to before executing.

Returns ProgramSpec for the started program.

Kill a running program or watch.

Link to this function listen(specs, opts \\ []) View Source
listen(buildspec() | [buildspec()], list()) :: any()

Listen to messages from the given specs and print them to the screen.

If watch: true is given in the options, will listen for user’s enter key and kill programs/watches if enter is pressed.

Link to this function run_funs(funs, timeout \\ 60000) View Source
run_funs([(... -> any()) | {module(), (... -> any()), [...]}], integer()) ::

Run the given functions in parallel and wait for them all to stop before returning.

Functions can either be anonymous functions or tuples of {module, fun, args}.

Can be given optional timeout, how long to wait for the execution of a task. By default it’s 60 seconds.

Link to this function run_task(task, args \\ []) View Source
run_task(task_name(), list()) :: any()

Run the given Mix task and wait for it to stop before returning.

See run_tasks/2 for the argument description.

Link to this function run_tasks(tasks) View Source
run_tasks(task_list()) :: any()

Run the given tasks in parallel and wait for them all to stop before returning.

Valid task types:

  • {task_name, args}, where task_name is a Mix task name or module,
  • task_name, where task_name is a Mix task name or module to call without arguments, or
  • task_function where task_function is a function to call without arguments.

Arguments should be keyword lists. If an argument deps: false is given to a task that is an MBU.BuildTask, its dependencies will not be executed.

Link to this function wait_for_input(target) View Source
wait_for_input(pid()) :: any()

Wait for user’s enter key and send a message :user_input_received to the given target process when enter was pressed.

This is exposed due to internal code structure and is not really useful to call yourself.

Link to this function watch(name, path, fun_or_mod) View Source
watch(String.t(), String.t(), ([{String.t(), [atom()]}] -> any()) | module()) ::
    callback: term(),
    events: term(),
    name: term(),
    name_atom: term(),
    path: term(),
    pid: term(),
    waiting_to_trigger: term()

Start watching a path. Name is used for prefixing logs.

Path must point to a directory. All subdirs will be watched automatically.

The callback function is called whenever changes occur in the watched directory. It will receive a list of 2-tuples, each tuple describing one change. Each tuple has two elements: path to the changed file and a list of change events for that file (returned from :fs).

Instead of a callback function, you can also give a module name of an MBU.BuildTask. In that case, the specified task will be called without arguments and with deps: false.

Watch events are combined so that all events occurring in ~200 milliseconds are sent in the same call. This is to avoid running the watch callback many times when a bunch of files change.

NOTE: Never add multiple watches to the same path, or you may end up with unexpected issues!

Returns a WatchSpec.