MBU: Mix Build Utilities
Hex.pm: hex.pm/packages/mbu
Hexdocs: hexdocs.pm/mbu
MBU is a collection of utility functions and scripts to turn Mix into a build tool like Make. Sort of. With it, you can write tasks that build parts of your system, be it front end or back end, without having to leave the safety of Elixir.
Shortly put, MBU allows you to write Mix tasks that depend on other tasks and contains helper functions and macros to make writing them easier. See the basic usage section for code examples.
Basic Usage
A typical MBU task looks like this:
defmodule Mix.Task.Build.Css do
use MBU.BuildTask
import MBU.TaskUtils
@deps [
task _args do
exec("css-processor", ["--output", "dist/css"]) |> listen()
There are a few parts to note here:
- With MBU, you don’t call
use Mix.Task
, instead you calluse MBU.BuildTask
that will insert thetask
macro and internally calluse Mix.Task
. - You can define dependencies to your task with the
list. They are executed in parallel before your task is run. If you need to run a task without running the dependencies, you can useMBU.TaskUtils.run_task/2
and give it thedeps: false
option. - The task is enclosed in the
macro that handles running the dependencies and logging debug output. This is compared to therun/1
function of an ordinary Mix task. - You can execute programs easily with the
function that is in theMBU.TaskUtils
module. It starts the program and returns a program spec that can be given toMBU.TaskUtils.listen/2
. The listen function listens to output from the program and prints it on the screen.
MBU also has watch support both for watches builtin to commands and custom watches:
defmodule Mix.Task.Watch.Css do
use MBU.BuildTask
import MBU.TaskUtils
@deps [
task _args do
# Builtin watch
exec("css-processor", ["--output", "dist-css", "-w"]),
# Custom watch
watch("CopyAssets", "/path/to/assets", fn _events -> File.cp_r!("from", "to") end)
|> listen(watch: true)
As you can see, there are two types of watches here. The css-processor
command has its
own watch, activated with a command line flag -w
. The second watch is a custom watch,
useful for when CLI tools don’t have watch support or when you want to run custom Elixir
code. The MBU.TaskUtils.watch/3
function takes in the watch name (for logging), directory
to watch and a callback function that is called for change events.
Here, the listening function is given an argument watch: true
. The arguments makes it
listen to the user’s keyboard input and if the user presses the enter key, the watches and
programs are stopped. Otherwise you would have to kill the task to stop them.
Automatic directory handling
Often build tasks output files into some temporary directory for further processing by subsequent tasks. This may result in boilerplate code defining the output path, like so:
defmodule Mix.Task.Build.Js do
use MBU.BuildTask
def out_path() do
Path.join([tmp_path(), "some", "output", "path"])
task _ do
# Ensure output path exists
exec("css-processor", ["--output", out_path()]) |> listen()
To avoid needless boilerplate, MBU has automatic directory handling (off by default). To use it, turn it on in config:
config :mbu,
# Autogenerate `out_path/0` based on task name
auto_paths: true,
# Automatically create output path when task runs
create_out_paths: true,
# Path to directory where task output is stored
tmp_path: Path.expand("_tmp")
Now you can simplify the above task to:
defmodule Mix.Task.Build.Js do
use MBU.BuildTask
task _ do
exec("css-processor", ["--output", out_path()]) |> listen()
The out_path/0
function is autogenerated for the task and it can also be referenced in other tasks.
The path autogeneration and creation configs can be overridden per task, by giving arguments to the
statement: use MBU.BuildTask, auto_path: false, create_out_path: true
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding mbu
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:mbu, "~> 3.0.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/mbu.