View Source Meilisearch.MultiSearch (meilisearch_ex v1.1.2)
Search into your Meilisearch indexes. Multi-Search API
Link to this section Summary
Bundle multiple search queries in a single API request. Use this endpoint to search through multiple indexes at once. Meilisearch documentation
Link to this section Types
@type search_params() :: %{required(String.t()) => single_search_params()}
@type single_search_params() :: %{ q: String.t(), offset: integer(), limit: integer(), hitsPerPage: integer(), page: integer(), filter: String.t() | [String.t()] | nil, facets: [String.t()] | nil, attributesToRetrieve: [String.t()], attributesToCrop: [String.t()] | nil, cropLength: integer(), cropMarker: String.t(), attributesToHighlight: [String.t()] | nil, highlightPreTag: String.t(), highlightPostTag: String.t(), showMatchesPosition: boolean(), sort: [String.t()] | nil, matchingStrategy: String.t() | :last | :all }
@type t(item) :: %Meilisearch.MultiSearch{ estimatedTotalHits: integer(), facetDistribution: map(), facetStats: map(), hits: [item], hitsPerPage: integer(), indexUid: String.t(), limit: integer(), offset: integer(), page: integer(), processingTimeMs: integer(), query: String.t(), totalHits: integer(), totalPages: integer() }
Link to this section Functions
@spec multi_search( Tesla.Client.t(), search_params() ) :: {:ok, t(Meilisearch.Document.t())} | {:error, Meilisearch.Client.error()}
Bundle multiple search queries in a single API request. Use this endpoint to search through multiple indexes at once. Meilisearch documentation
iex> client = "http://localhost:7700", key: "master_key_test")
iex> Meilisearch.MultiSearch.multi_search(client, %{"movies" => [q: "space"], "books" => [q: "space]})
{:ok, [%{
indexUid: "movies",
offset: 0,
limit: 20,
estimatedTotalHits: 1,
totalHits: 1,
totalPages: 1,
totalPages: 1,
page: 1,
facetDistribution: %{
"genres" => %{
"action" => 273,
"animation" => 118,
"adventure" => 132,
"fantasy" => 67,
"comedy" => 475,
"mystery" => 70,
"thriller" => 217
processingTimeMs: 11,
query: "space",
hits: [%{
"id" => 2001,
"title" => "2001: A Space Odyssey"