View Source Membrane.LiveAudioMixer.LiveQueue (Membrane Audio Mix plugin v0.16.2)

There are a lot of problems that the mixer can encounter while processing live audio streams:

  • packet loss resulting in small stream discontinuity
  • connection issues resulting in complete lack of data
  • the need for enforcing max latency on the stream - packets that come too late have to be dropped

The LiveQueue tackles all those problems. It has an independent queue for each stream. Every gap caused by late or dropped packets are filled with silence. If there is a need for more audio than there is in a queue, the missing part will also be filled with silence.




@spec add_buffer(t(), any(), Membrane.Buffer.t()) :: t()

Adds to a specific queue.

When a buffer is too old it will be dropped When a part of a buffer is too old, only the part that is "fresh" will be added. When a whole buffer is "fresh", the whole buffer will be added. All the wholes between audio packets will be filled with silence.

The state of the buffer, whether it's too old or not, is based on LiveQueue's current_time.

Link to this function

add_queue(lq, id, offset \\ 0)

View Source
@spec add_queue(t(), any(), non_neg_integer()) :: t()
@spec all_queues_empty?(t()) :: boolean()
@spec get_audio(t(), pos_integer()) :: {[{any(), binary()}], t()}
@spec init(Membrane.RawAudio.t()) :: t()
@spec remove_queue(t(), any()) :: t()

Removes queue from a live queue.

If the queue is empty, it will be removed right away. Otherwise, it will be marked as draining and will be removed when it will get empty.