View Source Upgrading to v0.12

Between v0.11 and v0.12 some breaking changes have occurred, so here comes the guide that will help you adjust your code to the new API. See the release notes for details.


Deps upgrade

Upgrade membrane_core to v0.12.1.

defp deps do
     {:membrane_core, "~> 0.12.1"},


Implement handle_child_pad_removed/4 callback in bins and pipelines, if it is needed

Now, if bin removes its pad (e.g. by removing an element linked to the bin's inner pad), bin's parent has to have implemented proper handle_child_pad_removed/4 callback, to handle it. If there is no such a callback, default behaviour is to raise an error.

@impl true
def handle_child_pad_removed(:rtp, Pad.ref(:rtp_input, _ssrc), _ctx, state) do
  # ...


Remove :playback action

Now, membrane pipelines enter the playing playback by default and they don't have to return a :playback action to do it.

- @impl true 
- def handle_setup(_ctx, state) do
- {[playback: :playing], state}
- end

Instead of it, there is a new action introduced in membrane_core v0.12, setup: :incomplete | :complete. If you want to defer a moment when a component enters the playing playback, you can return {:setup, :incomplete} action from handle_setup callback. If you do that, a component will enter the playing playback only when you return {:setup, :complete} action from another callback, e.g. handle_info.

- @impl true 
- def handle_setup(_ctx, state) do
-   Process.send_after(self(), :play, 1000)
-   {[], state}
- end
- @impl true 
- def handle_info(:play, _ctx, state) do
-   {[playback: :playing], state} 
- end

+ @impl true 
+ def handle_setup(_ctx, state) do
+   Process.send_after(self(), :play, 1000)
+   {[setup: :incomplete], state}
+ end
+ @impl true
+ def handle_info(:play, _ctx, state) do
+   {[setup: :complete], state}
+ end

:setup action is available not only in pipelines but in bins and elements as well.