View Source Membrane.Element.GCloud.SpeechToText (Membrane Element: GCloud SpeechToText v0.10.0)

An element providing speech recognition via Google Cloud Speech To Text service using Streaming API.

The element has to handle a connection time limit (currently 5 minutes). It does that by spawning multiple streaming clients - the streaming is stopped after streaming_time_limit (see t/0) and a new client that starts streaming is spawned. The old one is kept alive for results_await_time and will receive recognition results for the streamed audio.

This means that first results from the new client might arrive before the last result from an old client.

Bear in mind that streaming_time_limit + results_await_time must be smaller than recognition time limit for Google Streaming API (currently 5 minutes)

Element options

Passed via struct Membrane.Element.GCloud.SpeechToText.t/0

  • language_code


    Default value: "en-US"
    The language of the supplied audio. See Language Support for a list of supported languages codes.

  • interim_results


    Default value: false
    If set to true, the interim results may be returned by recognition API. See Google API docs for more info.

  • word_time_offsets


    Default value: false
    If true, the top result includes a list of words and the start and end time offsets (timestamps) for those words.

  • speech_contexts


    Default value: []
    A list of speech recognition contexts. See the docs for more info.

  • model

    :default | :video | :phone_call | :command_and_search

    Default value: :default
    Model used for speech recognition. Bear in mind that :video model is a premium model that costs more than the standard rate.

  • streaming_time_limit


    Default value: 200000000000
    Determines how much audio can be sent to recognition API in one client session. After this time, a new client session is created while the old one is kept alive for some time to receive recognition results.

    Bear in mind that streaming_time_limit + results_await_time must be smaller than recognition time limit for Google Streaming API (currently 5 minutes)

  • results_await_time


    Default value: 90000000000
    The amount of time a client that stopped streaming is kept alive awaiting results from recognition API.

  • reconnection_overlap_time


    Default value: 2000000000
    Duration of audio re-sent in a new client session after reconnection



Accepted formats:

Flow control::manual
Demand unit::buffers




Struct containing options for Membrane.Element.GCloud.SpeechToText


Returns description of options available for this module


@type t() :: %Membrane.Element.GCloud.SpeechToText{
  interim_results: boolean(),
  language_code: String.t(),
  model: :default | :video | :phone_call | :command_and_search,
  reconnection_overlap_time: Membrane.Time.t(),
  results_await_time: Membrane.Time.t(),
  speech_contexts: [%Google.Cloud.Speech.V1.SpeechContext{phrases: term()}],
  streaming_time_limit: Membrane.Time.t(),
  word_time_offsets: boolean()

Struct containing options for Membrane.Element.GCloud.SpeechToText


@spec options() :: keyword()

Returns description of options available for this module