View Source Membrane.RTSP.Request (Membrane RTSP v0.6.2)

This module represents a RTSP 1.0 request.



Retrieves the first header matching given name from a request.

Parse a binary request into RTSP Request struct

Parse the Transport header.

Returns the encoded URI as a binary. This is handy for digest auth since this value must be encoded as per the digest algorithm

Renders the a RTSP request struct into a binary that is a valid RTSP request string that can be transmitted via communication channel.

Attaches a header to a RTSP request struct.


@type t() :: %Membrane.RTSP.Request{
  body: binary(),
  headers: Membrane.RTSP.headers(),
  method: binary(),
  path: nil | binary()
@type transport_header() :: [
  transport: :TCP | :UDP,
  mode: :unicast | :multicast,
  parameters: map()


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get_header(request, header)

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@spec get_header(t(), binary()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, :no_such_header}

Retrieves the first header matching given name from a request.

  iex> request = %Request{
  ...>   method: "OPTIONS",
  ...>   headers: [{"header_name", "header_value"}]
  ...> }
  iex> Request.get_header(request, "header_name")
  {:ok, "header_value"}
  iex> Request.get_header(request, "non_existent_header")
  {:error, :no_such_header}
@spec parse(binary()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, term()}

Parse a binary request into RTSP Request struct

  iex> Request.parse("DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n\r\n")
  {:ok, %Request{method: "DESCRIBE", path: "rtsp://", headers: [], body: nil}}

  iex> Request.parse("DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: 1\r\n\r\n")
  {:ok, %Request{method: "DESCRIBE", path: "rtsp://", headers: [{"CSeq", "1"}], body: nil}}

  iex> Request.parse("DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\n\r\nHello World")
  {:ok, %Request{method: "DESCRIBE", path: "rtsp://", headers: [{"Content-Length", "11"}], body: "Hello World"}}

  iex> Request.parse("DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.1\r\n\r\n")
  {:error, "expected string \"RTSP/1.0\""}
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@spec parse_transport_header(t()) ::
  {:ok, transport_header()} | {:error, :no_such_header | :invalid_header}

Parse the Transport header.

  iex> req = %Request{method: "SETUP", headers: [{"Transport", "RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=30001-30002"}]}
  iex> Request.parse_transport_header(req)
  {:ok, [transport: :UDP, mode: :unicast, parameters: %{"client_port" => {30001, 30002}}]}

  iex> req = %Request{method: "SETUP", headers: [{"Transport", "RTP/AVP;ttl=15"}]}
  iex> Request.parse_transport_header(req)
  {:ok, [transport: :UDP, mode: :multicast, parameters: %{"ttl" => 15}]}

  iex> req = %Request{method: "SETUP", headers: [{"Transport", "RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1"}]}
  iex> Request.parse_transport_header(req)
  {:ok, [transport: :TCP, mode: :unicast, parameters: %{"interleaved" => {0, 1}}]}

  iex> req = %Request{method: "SETUP", headers: [{"Transport", "RTP/AVP"}]}
  iex> Request.parse_transport_header(req)
  {:ok, [transport: :UDP, mode: :multicast, parameters: %{}]}

  iex> req = %Request{method: "SETUP", headers: [{"Transport", "RTP/AV"}]}
  iex> Request.parse_transport_header(req)
  {:error, :invalid_header}

  iex> Request.parse_transport_header(%Request{method: "SETUP"})
  {:error, :no_such_header}
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process_uri(request, uri)

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@spec process_uri(t(), URI.t()) :: binary()

Returns the encoded URI as a binary. This is handy for digest auth since this value must be encoded as per the digest algorithm

@spec stringify(t(), URI.t()) :: binary()

Renders the a RTSP request struct into a binary that is a valid RTSP request string that can be transmitted via communication channel.

iex> uri = URI.parse("rtsp://")
iex> Request.stringify(%Request{method: "DESCRIBE"}, uri)
"DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
iex> Request.stringify(%Request{method: "PLAY", path: "trackID=2"}, uri)
"PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
iex> Request.stringify(%Request{method: "SET_PARAMETER", body: "parameter:value"}, uri)
"SET_PARAMETER rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n\r\nparameter:value"

Access credentials won't be rendered into an url present in a RTSP start line.

iex> uri = URI.parse("rtsp://")
iex> Request.stringify(%Request{method: "DESCRIBE"}, uri)
"DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
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with_header(request, name, value)

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@spec with_header(t(), binary(), binary()) :: t()

Attaches a header to a RTSP request struct.

  iex> Request.with_header(%Request{method: "DESCRIBE"}, "header_name", "header_value")
  %Request{method: "DESCRIBE", headers: [{"header_name","header_value"}]}