View Source Membrane.WebRTC.Sink (Membrane WebRTC plugin v0.22.0)

Membrane Bin that allows sending audio and video tracks via WebRTC.

It sends an SDP offer and expects an answer during initialization and each time when new tracks are added. For more information about signaling, see the signaling option.

Before connecting pads, each audio and video track has to be negotiated. Tracks passed via tracks option are negotiated during initialization. You can negotiate more tracks by sending add_tracks/0 notification and waiting for new_tracks/0 notification reply.

When the tracks are negotiated, pads can be linked. The pad either has to have a kind option set or its id has to match the id of the track received in new_tracks/0 notification.

Bin options

Passed via struct Membrane.WebRTC.Sink.t/0

  • signaling

    SignalingChannel.t() | {:websocket, SimpleWebSocketServer.options()}

    Channel for passing WebRTC signaling messages (SDP and ICE). Either:

  • tracks

    [:audio | :video]

    Default value: [:audio, :video]
    Tracks to be negotiated. By default one audio and one video track is negotiated, meaning that at most one audio and one video can be sent.

  • video_codec

    :vp8 | :h264

    Default value: :vp8

  • ice_servers


    Default value: [%{urls: ""}]

  • payload_rtp


    Default value: true



Accepted formats:

%Membrane.H264{alignment: :nalu}
%Membrane.RemoteStream{content_format: Membrane.VP8}

Pad options:

  • kind

    :audio | :video | nil

    Default value: nil
    When set, the pad is associated with the first negotiated track of the given kind. See the moduledoc for details.



Notification that should be sent to the bin to negotiate new tracks.

Options for pad :input

Notification sent when new tracks are negotiated.


Struct containing options for Membrane.WebRTC.Sink


Returns description of options available for this module


@type add_tracks() :: {:add_tracks, [:audio | :video]}

Notification that should be sent to the bin to negotiate new tracks.

See the moduledoc for details.

@type input_pad_opts() :: [{:kind, :audio | :video | nil}]

Options for pad :input

@type new_tracks() :: {:new_tracks, [%{id: term(), kind: :audio | :video}]}

Notification sent when new tracks are negotiated.

See the moduledoc for details.

@type t() :: %Membrane.WebRTC.Sink{
  ice_servers: [ExWebRTC.PeerConnection.Configuration.ice_server()],
  payload_rtp: boolean(),
    | {:websocket, Membrane.WebRTC.SimpleWebSocketServer.options()},
  tracks: [:audio | :video],
  video_codec: :vp8 | :h264

Struct containing options for Membrane.WebRTC.Sink


@spec options() :: keyword()

Returns description of options available for this module