Memcache.Connection (memcachex v0.5.6) View Source

This module provides low level API to connect and execute commands on a memcached server.

Link to this section Summary


Closes the connection to the memcached server.

Executes the command with the given args

Executes the list of quiet commands

Starts a connection to memcached server.

Link to this section Functions


close(GenServer.server()) :: {:ok}

Closes the connection to the memcached server.


iex> {:ok, pid} = Memcache.Connection.start_link()
iex> Memcache.Connection.close(pid)
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execute(pid, command, args, options \\ [])

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Executes the command with the given args


  • :cas - (boolean) returns the CAS value associated with the data. This value will be either in second or third position of the returned tuple depending on the command. Defaults to false


iex> {:ok, pid} = Memcache.Connection.start_link()
iex> {:ok} = Memcache.Connection.execute(pid, :SET, ["hello", "world"])
iex> {:ok, "world"} = Memcache.Connection.execute(pid, :GET, ["hello"])
{:ok, "world"}
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execute_quiet(pid, commands)

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execute_quiet(GenServer.server(), [
  {atom(), [binary()]} | {atom(), [binary()], Keyword.t()}
]) ::
  {:ok, [Memcache.result()]} | {:error, atom()}

Executes the list of quiet commands


iex> {:ok, pid} = Memcache.Connection.start_link()
iex> {:ok, [{:ok}, {:ok}]} = Memcache.Connection.execute_quiet(pid, [{:SETQ, ["1", "one"]}, {:SETQ, ["2", "two"]}])
iex> Memcache.Connection.execute_quiet(pid, [{:GETQ, ["1"]}, {:GETQ, ["2"]}])
{:ok, [{:ok, "one"}, {:ok, "two"}]}
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start_link(connection_options \\ [], options \\ [])

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start_link(Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts a connection to memcached server.

The actual TCP connection to the memcached server is established asynchronously after the start_link/2 returns.

This function accepts two option lists. The first one specifies the options to connect to the memcached server. The second option is passed directly to the underlying GenServer.start_link/3, so it can be used to create named process.

Memcachex automatically tries to reconnect in case of tcp connection failures. It starts with a :backoff_initial wait time and increases the wait time exponentially on each successive failures until it reaches the :backoff_max. After that, it waits for :backoff_max after each failure.

Connection Options

  • :hostname - (string) hostname of the memcached server. Defaults to "localhost"

  • :port - (integer) port on which the memcached server is listening. Defaults to 11211

  • :backoff_initial - (integer) initial backoff (in milliseconds) to be used in case of connection failure. Defaults to 500

  • :backoff_max - (integer) maximum allowed interval between two connection attempt. Defaults to 30_000

  • :connect_timeout - (integer) connection timeout (in milliseconds) at which to terminate the connection attempt in case of an unresponsive host. Defaults to :infinity

  • :auth - (tuple) only plain authentication method is supported. It is specified using the following format {:plain, "username", "password"}. Defaults to nil.


{:ok, pid} = Memcache.Connection.start_link()