View Source Memorex.Decks (Memorex v0.2.4)

Functions for interacting with Memorex.Domain.Decks.

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Finds an existing deck by name, or else creates it.

Updates the config for a Memorex.Domain.Deck from the values contained in a TOML deck config file. Note that only the values from the config file are stored (which might be a subset of the available values contained in Memorex.Scheduler.Config), and they are stored in the database as a Map, NOT as a Memorex.Scheduler.Config struct.

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@spec find_or_create!(String.t()) :: Memorex.Domain.Deck.t()

Finds an existing deck by name, or else creates it.

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update_config(deck, config)

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@spec update_config(Memorex.Domain.Deck.t(), map()) :: Memorex.Domain.Deck.t()

Updates the config for a Memorex.Domain.Deck from the values contained in a TOML deck config file. Note that only the values from the config file are stored (which might be a subset of the available values contained in Memorex.Scheduler.Config), and they are stored in the database as a Map, NOT as a Memorex.Scheduler.Config struct.