merkle_patricia_tree v0.2.5 MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage
Module to get and put nodes in a trie by the given
storage mechanism. Generally, handles the function n(I, i)
Eq.(178) from the Yellow Paper.
Link to this section Summary
Gets the RLP encoded value of a given trie root. Specifically,
we invert the function n(I, i)
Eq.(178) from the Yellow Paper
Takes an RLP-encoded node and pushes it to storage,
as defined by n(I, i)
Eq.(178) of the Yellow Paper
TODO: Doc and test
Link to this section Functions
Gets the RLP encoded value of a given trie root. Specifically,
we invert the function n(I, i)
Eq.(178) from the Yellow Paper.
iex>, <<>>) …> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.get_node() <<>>
iex>, <<130, 72, 105>>) …> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.get_node() “Hi”
iex>, <<254, 112, 17, 90, 21, 82, 19, 29, 72, 106, 175, 110, 87, 220, 249, 140, 74, 165, 64, 94, 174, 79, 78, 189, 145, 143, 92, 53, 173, 136, 220, 145>>) …> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.get_node() ** (RuntimeError) Cannot find value in DB: <<254, 112, 17, 90, 21, 82, 19, 29, 72, 106, 175, 110, 87, 220, 249, 140, 74, 165, 64, 94, 174, 79, 78, 189, 145, 143, 92, 53, 173, 136, 220, 145>>
iex> trie =, <<130, 72, 105>>) iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.put_node([“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”], trie) <<141, 163, 93, 242, 120, 27, 128, 97, 138, 56, 116, 101, 165, 201,
165, 139, 86, 73, 85, 153, 45, 38, 207, 186, 196, 202, 111, 84,
214, 26, 122, 164>>
iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.get_node(%{trie| root_hash: <<141, 163, 93, 242, 120, 27, 128, 97, 138, 56, 116, 101, 165, 201, 165, 139, 86, 73, 85, 153, 45, 38, 207, 186, 196, 202, 111, 84, 214, 26, 122, 164>>}) [“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”]
Takes an RLP-encoded node and pushes it to storage,
as defined by n(I, i)
Eq.(178) of the Yellow Paper.
NOTA BENE: we are forced to deviate from the Yellow Paper as nodes which are smaller than 32 bytes aren’t encoded in RLP, as suggested by the equations.
Specifically, Eq.(178) says that the node is encoded as c(J,i)
in the second
portion of the definition of n
. By the definition of c
, all return values are
RLP encoded. But, we have found emperically that the n
does not encode values to
RLP for smaller nodes.
iex> trie =
iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.put_node(<<>>, trie)
iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.put_node("Hi", trie)
iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Storage.put_node(["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"], trie)
<<141, 163, 93, 242, 120, 27, 128, 97, 138, 56, 116, 101, 165, 201,
165, 139, 86, 73, 85, 153, 45, 38, 207, 186, 196, 202, 111, 84,
214, 26, 122, 164>>
store(ExRLP.t, MerklePatriciaTree.DB.db) :: binary
TODO: Doc and test