merkle_patricia_tree v0.2.8 MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node
This module encodes and decodes nodes from a
trie encoding back into RLP form. We effectively implement
c(I, i)
from the Yellow Paper.
TODO: Add richer set of tests, esp. in re: storage and branch values.
Link to this section Summary
Decodes the root of a given trie, effectively
inverting the encoding from c(I, i)
defined in
Eq.(179) fo the Yellow Paper.
Given a node, this function will encode the node
and put the value to storage (for nodes that are
greater than 32 bytes encoded). This implements
c(I, i)
, Eq.(179) of the Yellow Paper.
Link to this section Types
Link to this section Functions
Decodes the root of a given trie, effectively
inverting the encoding from c(I, i)
defined in
Eq.(179) fo the Yellow Paper.
iex>, <<128>>) iex> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.decode_trie() :empty
iex>, <<198, 130, 53, 103, 130, 111, 107>>) iex> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.decode_trie()
iex>, <<209, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128>>) iex> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.decode_trie()
iex>, <<196, 130, 17, 35, 128>>) iex> |> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.decode_trie()
encode_node(trie_node, trie)
encode_node(trie_node(), MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.t()) :: nil | binary()
Given a node, this function will encode the node
and put the value to storage (for nodes that are
greater than 32 bytes encoded). This implements
c(I, i)
, Eq.(179) of the Yellow Paper.
iex> trie = iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.encode_node(:empty, trie) <<>>
iex> trie = iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.encode_node({:leaf, [5,6,7], "ok"}, trie) ["5g", "ok"]
iex> trie = iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.encode_node({:branch, [<<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>]}, trie) ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
iex> trie = iex> MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.Node.encode_node({:ext, [1, 2, 3], <<>>}, trie) [<<17, 35>>, ""]