merkle_tree v2.0.0 MerkleTree.Proof

Generate and verify merkle proofs

## Usage Example
iex> proof = b c d/) |>
...> MerkleTree.Proof.prove(1)
iex> MerkleTree.Proof.proven?({"b", 1}, "9dc1674ae1ee61c90ba50b6261e8f9a47f7ea07d92612158edfe3c2a37c6d74c", &MerkleTree.Crypto.sha256/1, proof)

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Generates proof for a block at a specific index

Verifies proof for a block at a specific index

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Link to this type


proof_t() :: [String.t()]

Link to this section Functions

Generates proof for a block at a specific index

Link to this function

proven?(arg, root_hash, hash_function, proof)

Verifies proof for a block at a specific index