MIDIPlayer.Event (MIDIPlayer v0.2.0) View Source
Several musical events which can be converted to MIDI commands.
All timings are in milliseconds.
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Converts the event to a list of MIDI commands.
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change_program( MIDISynth.Command.channel(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer() ) :: %MIDIPlayer.Event.ChangeProgram{ channel: term(), program: term(), time: term() }
convert(t()) :: [{non_neg_integer(), binary()}]
Converts the event to a list of MIDI commands.
note( MIDISynth.Command.channel(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), MIDISynth.Command.velocity() ) :: %MIDIPlayer.Event.Note{ channel: term(), end_time: term(), start_time: term(), tone: term(), velocity: term() }