

  • Bug fixes
    • Fix compilation issues on OSX and make OSX default audio device portaudio. The coreaudio default isn't working and Homebrew installs portaudio with fluidsynth.


Thanks to Pim Kunis for these updates!


This release updates the Elixir and make code to fix many issues. The library is the functionally the same as before, but every API call has changed. The biggest changes are that the main module was renamed to MIDISynth and it's now a GenServer that should be manually started or added to a supervision tree of your choosing.

MIDI command encoders are now located in MIDISynth.Command. Please send PRs back for any other commands you may want to use.

MIDISynth.Keyboard provides a functions for playing back simple songs. MIDISynth forwards raw MIDI commands to libfluidsynth, so it offers a lot of functionality. The hope is that other libraries build on this and provide the sequencers and higher level APIs to make complex music generation possible.



  • New features
    • Note velocity is supported. Unspecified velocities default to 127.


Initial release