View Source MIME (mime v2.0.6)

Maps MIME types to its file extensions and vice versa.

MIME types can be extended in your application configuration as follows:

config :mime, :types, %{
  "application/vnd.api+json" => ["json-api"]

Note that defining a new type will completely override all previous extensions. You can use MIME.extensions/1 to get the existing extension to keep when redefining.

You can also customize the extensions for suffixes. For example, the mime type "application/custom+gzip" returns the extension ".gz" because the suffix "gzip" maps to ["gz"]:

config :mime, :suffixes, %{
  "gzip" => ["gz"]

After adding the configuration, MIME needs to be recompiled if you are using an Elixir version earlier than v1.15. In such cases, it can be done with:

$ mix deps.clean mime --build



Returns the custom types compiled into the MIME module.

Returns the extensions associated with a given MIME type.

Guesses the MIME type based on the path's extension. See type/1.

Returns whether an extension has a MIME type registered.

Returns a mapping of all known types to their extensions, including custom types compiled into the MIME module.

Returns the MIME type associated with a file extension.


Returns the custom types compiled into the MIME module.

@spec extensions(String.t()) :: [String.t()]

Returns the extensions associated with a given MIME type.


iex> MIME.extensions("text/html")
["html", "htm"]

iex> MIME.extensions("application/json")

iex> MIME.extensions("application/vnd.custom+xml")

iex> MIME.extensions("foo/bar")
@spec from_path(Path.t()) :: String.t()

Guesses the MIME type based on the path's extension. See type/1.


iex> MIME.from_path("index.html")
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@spec has_type?(String.t()) :: boolean()

Returns whether an extension has a MIME type registered.


iex> MIME.has_type?("html")

iex> MIME.has_type?("foobarbaz")
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View Source (since 2.1.0)
@spec known_types() :: %{required(String.t()) => [String.t()]}

Returns a mapping of all known types to their extensions, including custom types compiled into the MIME module.


#=> %{"application/json" => ["json"], ...}
@spec type(String.t()) :: String.t()

Returns the MIME type associated with a file extension.

If no MIME type is known for file_extension, "application/octet-stream" is returned.


iex> MIME.type("html")

iex> MIME.type("foobarbaz")