View Source Mint.HTTP1 (Mint v1.6.1)

Process-less HTTP/1.1 client connection.

This module provides a data structure that represents an HTTP/1 or HTTP/1.1 connection to a given server. The connection is represented as an opaque struct %Mint.HTTP1{}. The connection is a data structure and is not backed by a process, and all the connection handling happens in the process that creates the struct.

This module and data structure work exactly like the ones described in the Mint module, with the exception that Mint.HTTP1 specifically deals with HTTP/1 and HTTP/1.1 while Mint deals seamlessly with HTTP/1, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/2. For more information on how to use the data structure and client architecture, see Mint.



An HTTP/1-specific error reason.


A Mint HTTP/1 connection struct.


@type error_reason() :: term()

An HTTP/1-specific error reason.

The values can be:

  • :closed - when you try to make a request or stream a body chunk but the connection is closed.

  • :request_body_is_streaming - when you call request/5 to send a new request but another request is already streaming.

  • {:unexpected_data, data} - when unexpected data is received from the server.

  • :invalid_status_line - when the HTTP/1 status line is invalid.

  • {:invalid_request_target, target} - when the request target is invalid.

  • :invalid_header - when headers can't be parsed correctly.

  • {:invalid_header_name, name} - when a header name is invalid.

  • {:invalid_header_value, name, value} - when a header value is invalid. name is the name of the header and value is the invalid value.

  • :invalid_chunk_size - when the chunk size is invalid.

  • :missing_crlf_after_chunk - when the CRLF after a chunk is missing.

  • :invalid_trailer_header - when trailer headers can't be parsed.

  • :more_than_one_content_length_header - when more than one content-length headers are in the response.

  • :transfer_encoding_and_content_length - when both the content-length as well as the transfer-encoding headers are in the response.

  • {:invalid_content_length_header, value} - when the value of the content-length header is invalid, that is, is not an non-negative integer.

  • :empty_token_list - when a header that is supposed to contain a list of tokens (such as the connection header) doesn't contain any.

  • {:invalid_token_list, string} - when a header that is supposed to contain a list of tokens (such as the connection header) contains a malformed list of tokens.

  • :trailing_headers_but_not_chunked_encoding - when you try to send trailer headers through stream_request_body/3 but the transfer encoding of the request was not chunked.

@opaque t()

A Mint HTTP/1 connection struct.

The struct's fields are private.


@spec close(t()) :: {:ok, t()}

See Mint.HTTP.close/1.

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connect(scheme, address, port, opts \\ [])

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@spec connect(
) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Mint.Types.error()}

Same as Mint.HTTP.connect/4, but forces an HTTP/1 or HTTP/1.1 connection.

This function doesn't support proxying.

Additional Options

  • :case_sensitive_headers - (boolean) if set to true the case of the supplied headers in requests will be preserved. The default is to lowercase the headers because HTTP/1.1 header names are case-insensitive. Available since v1.6.0.
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controlling_process(conn, new_pid)

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@spec controlling_process(t(), pid()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.controlling_process/2.

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delete_private(conn, key)

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@spec delete_private(t(), atom()) :: t()

See Mint.HTTP.delete_private/2.

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get_private(conn, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get_private(t(), atom(), term()) :: term()

See Mint.HTTP.get_private/3.

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@spec get_proxy_headers(t()) :: Mint.Types.headers()

See Mint.HTTP.get_proxy_headers/1.

@spec get_socket(t()) :: Mint.Types.socket()

See Mint.HTTP.get_socket/1.

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open?(conn, type \\ :write)

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@spec open?(t(), :read | :write) :: boolean()


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@spec open_request_count(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

See Mint.HTTP.open_request_count/1.

In HTTP/1, the number of open requests is the number of pipelined requests.

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put_log(conn, log?)

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@spec put_log(t(), boolean()) :: t()

See Mint.HTTP.put_log/2.

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put_private(conn, key, value)

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@spec put_private(t(), atom(), term()) :: t()

See Mint.HTTP.put_private/3.

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recv(conn, byte_count, timeout)

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@spec recv(t(), non_neg_integer(), timeout()) ::
  {:ok, t(), [Mint.Types.response()]}
  | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error(), [Mint.Types.response()]}

See Mint.HTTP.recv/3.

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request(conn, method, path, headers, body)

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@spec request(
  method :: String.t(),
  path :: String.t(),
  body :: iodata() | nil | :stream
) :: {:ok, t(), Mint.Types.request_ref()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.request/5.

In HTTP/1 and HTTP/1.1, you can't open a new request if you're streaming the body of another request. If you try, an error will be returned.

@spec set_mode(t(), :active | :passive) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.set_mode/2.

@spec stream(t(), term()) ::
  {:ok, t(), [Mint.Types.response()]}
  | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error(), [Mint.Types.response()]}
  | :unknown


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stream_request_body(conn, ref, body)

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@spec stream_request_body(
  iodata() | :eof | {:eof, trailer_headers :: Mint.Types.headers()}
) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.stream_request_body/3.

In HTTP/1, sending an empty chunk is a no-op.

Transfer encoding and content length

When streaming the request body, Mint cannot send a precalculated content-length request header because it doesn't know the body that you'll stream. However, Mint will transparently handle the presence of a content-length header using this logic:

  • if you specifically set a content-length header, then transfer encoding and making sure the content length is correct for what you'll stream is up to you.

  • if you specifically set the transfer encoding (transfer-encoding header) to chunked, then it's up to you to properly encode chunks.

  • if you don't set the transfer encoding to chunked and don't provide a content-length header, Mint will do implicit chunked transfer encoding (setting the transfer-encoding header appropriately) and will take care of properly encoding the chunks.