View Source Mint.HTTP2 (Mint v1.6.2)

Process-less HTTP/2 client connection.

This module provides a data structure that represents an HTTP/2 connection to a given server. The connection is represented as an opaque struct %Mint.HTTP2{}. The connection is a data structure and is not backed by a process, and all the connection handling happens in the process that creates the struct.

This module and data structure work exactly like the ones described in the Mint.HTTP module, with the exception that Mint.HTTP2 specifically deals with HTTP/2 while Mint.HTTP deals seamlessly with HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. For more information on how to use the data structure and client architecture, see Mint.HTTP.

HTTP/2 Streams and Requests

HTTP/2 introduces the concept of streams. A stream is an isolated conversation between the client and the server. Each stream is unique and identified by a unique stream ID, which means that there's no order when data comes on different streams since they can be identified uniquely. A stream closely corresponds to a request, so in this documentation and client we will mostly refer to streams as "requests". We mentioned data on streams can come in arbitrary order, and streams are requests, so the practical effect of this is that performing request A and then request B does not mean that the response to request A will come before the response to request B. This is why we identify each request with a unique reference returned by request/5. See request/5 for more information.

Closed Connection

In HTTP/2, the connection can either be open, closed, or only closed for writing. When a connection is closed for writing, the client cannot send requests or stream body chunks, but it can still read data that the server might be sending. When the connection gets closed on the writing side, a :server_closed_connection error is returned. {:error, request_ref, error} is returned for requests that haven't been processed by the server, with the reason of error being :unprocessed. These requests are safe to retry.

HTTP/2 Settings

HTTP/2 supports settings negotiation between servers and clients. The server advertises its settings to the client and the client advertises its settings to the server. A peer (server or client) has to acknowledge the settings advertised by the other peer before those settings come into action (that's why it's called a negotiation).

A first settings negotiation happens right when the connection starts. Servers and clients can renegotiate settings at any time during the life of the connection.

Mint users don't need to care about settings acknowledgements directly since they're handled transparently by stream/2.

To retrieve the server settings, you can use get_server_setting/2. Doing so is often useful to be able to tune your requests based on the server settings.

To communicate client settings to the server, use put_settings/2 or pass them when starting up a connection with connect/4. Note that the server needs to acknowledge the settings sent through put_setting/2 before those settings come into effect. The server ack is processed transparently by stream/2, but this means that if you change a setting through put_settings/2 and try to retrieve the value of that setting right after with get_client_setting/2, you'll likely get the old value of that setting. Once the server acknowledges the new settings, the updated value will be returned by get_client_setting/2.

Server Push

HTTP/2 supports server push, which is a way for a server to send a response to a client without the client needing to make the corresponding request. The server sends a :push_promise response to a normal request: this creates a new request reference. Then, the server sends normal responses for the newly created request reference.

Let's see an example. We will ask the server for "/index.html" and the server will send us a push promise for "/style.css".

{:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP2.connect(:https, "", 443)
{:ok, conn, request_ref} = Mint.HTTP2.request(conn, "GET", "/index.html", _headers = [], _body = "")

next_message =
  receive do
    msg -> msg

{:ok, conn, responses} =, next_message)

  {:push_promise, ^request_ref, promised_request_ref, promised_headers},
  {:status, ^request_ref, 200},
  {:headers, ^request_ref, []},
  {:data, ^request_ref, "<html>..."},
  {:done, ^request_ref}
] = responses

#=> [{":method", "GET"}, {":path", "/style.css"}]

As you can see in the example above, when the server sends a push promise then a :push_promise response is returned as a response to a request. The :push_promise response contains a promised_request_ref and some promised_headers. The promised_request_ref is the new request ref that pushed responses will be tagged with. promised_headers are headers that tell the client what request the promised response will respond to. The idea is that the server tells the client a request the client will want to make and then preemptively sends a response for that request. Promised headers will always include :method, :path, and :authority.

next_message =
  receive do
    msg -> msg

{:ok, conn, responses} =, next_message)

  {:status, ^promised_request_ref, 200},
  {:headers, ^promised_request_ref, []},
  {:data, ^promised_request_ref, "body { ... }"},
  {:done, ^promised_request_ref}

The response to a promised request is like a response to any normal request.

Disabling Server Pushes

HTTP/2 exposes a boolean setting for enabling or disabling server pushes with :enable_push. You can pass this option when connecting or in put_settings/2. By default server push is enabled.



An HTTP/2-specific error reason.

HTTP/2 setting with its value.

HTTP/2 settings.


A Mint HTTP/2 connection struct.


@type error_reason() :: term()

An HTTP/2-specific error reason.

The values can be:

  • :closed - when you try to make a request or stream a body chunk but the connection is closed.

  • :closed_for_writing - when you try to make a request or stream a body chunk but the connection is closed for writing. This means you cannot issue any more requests. See the "Closed connection" section in the module documentation for more information.

  • :too_many_concurrent_requests - when the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed by the server is reached. To find out what this limit is, use get_setting/2 with the :max_concurrent_streams setting name.

  • {:max_header_list_size_exceeded, size, max_size} - when the maximum size of the header list is reached. size is the actual value of the header list size, max_size is the maximum value allowed. See get_setting/2 to retrieve the value of the max size.

  • {:exceeds_window_size, what, window_size} - when the data you're trying to send exceeds the window size of the connection (if what is :connection) or of a request (if what is :request). window_size is the allowed window size. See get_window_size/2.

  • {:stream_not_found, stream_id} - when the given request is not found.

  • :unknown_request_to_stream - when you're trying to stream data on an unknown request.

  • :request_is_not_streaming - when you try to send data (with stream_request_body/3) on a request that is not open for streaming.

  • :unprocessed - when a request was closed because it was not processed by the server. When this error is returned, it means that the server hasn't processed the request at all, so it's safe to retry the given request on a different or new connection.

  • {:server_closed_request, error_code} - when the server closes the request. error_code is the reason why the request was closed.

  • {:server_closed_connection, reason, debug_data} - when the server closes the connection gracefully or because of an error. In HTTP/2, this corresponds to a GOAWAY frame. error is the reason why the connection was closed. debug_data is additional debug data.

  • {:frame_size_error, frame} - when there's an error with the size of a frame. frame is the frame type, such as :settings or :window_update.

  • {:protocol_error, debug_data} - when there's a protocol error. debug_data is a string that explains the nature of the error.

  • {:compression_error, debug_data} - when there's a header compression error. debug_data is a string that explains the nature of the error.

  • {:flow_control_error, debug_data} - when there's a flow control error. debug_data is a string that explains the nature of the error.

@type setting() ::
  {:enable_push, boolean()}
  | {:header_table_size, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:max_concurrent_streams, pos_integer()}
  | {:initial_window_size, 1..2_147_483_647}
  | {:max_frame_size, 16384..16_777_215}
  | {:max_header_list_size, :infinity | pos_integer()}
  | {:enable_connect_protocol, boolean()}

HTTP/2 setting with its value.

This type represents both server settings as well as client settings. To retrieve server settings use get_server_setting/2 and to retrieve client settings use get_client_setting/2. To send client settings to the server, see put_settings/2.

The supported settings are the following:

  • :header_table_size - corresponds to SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE.

  • :enable_push - corresponds to SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH. Sets whether push promises are supported. If you don't want to support push promises, use put_settings/2 to tell the server that your client doesn't want push promises.

  • :max_concurrent_streams - corresponds to SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS. Tells what is the maximum number of streams that the peer sending this (client or server) supports. As mentioned in the module documentation, HTTP/2 streams are equivalent to requests, so knowing the maximum number of streams that the server supports can be useful to know how many concurrent requests can be open at any time. Use get_server_setting/2 to find out how many concurrent streams the server supports.

  • :initial_window_size - corresponds to SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE. Tells what is the value of the initial HTTP/2 window size for the peer that sends this setting.

  • :max_frame_size - corresponds to SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE. Tells what is the maximum size of an HTTP/2 frame for the peer that sends this setting.

  • :max_header_list_size - corresponds to SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE.

  • :enable_connect_protocol - corresponds to SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL. Sets whether the client may invoke the extended connect protocol which is used to bootstrap WebSocket connections.

@type settings() :: [setting()]

HTTP/2 settings.

See setting/0.

@opaque t()

A Mint HTTP/2 connection struct.

The struct's fields are private.


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cancel_request(conn, request_ref)

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@spec cancel_request(t(), Mint.Types.request_ref()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

Cancels an in-flight request.

This function is HTTP/2 specific. It cancels an in-flight request. The server could have already sent responses for the request you want to cancel: those responses will be parsed by the connection but not returned to the user. No more responses to a request will be returned after you call cancel_request/2 on that request.

If there's no error in canceling the request, {:ok, conn} is returned where conn is the updated connection. If there's an error, {:error, conn, reason} is returned where conn is the updated connection and reason is the error reason.


{:ok, conn, ref} = Mint.HTTP2.request(conn, "GET", "/", _headers = [])
{:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP2.cancel_request(conn, ref)
@spec close(t()) :: {:ok, t()}

See Mint.HTTP.close/1.

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connect(scheme, address, port, opts \\ [])

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@spec connect(
) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, Mint.Types.error()}

Same as Mint.HTTP.connect/4, but forces a HTTP/2 connection.

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controlling_process(conn, new_pid)

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@spec controlling_process(t(), pid()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.controlling_process/2.

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delete_private(conn, key)

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@spec delete_private(t(), atom()) :: t()

See Mint.HTTP.delete_private/2.

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get_client_setting(conn, name)

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@spec get_client_setting(t(), atom()) :: term()

Gets the value of the given HTTP/2 client setting.

This function returns the value of the given HTTP/2 setting that the client advertised to the server. Client settings can be advertised through put_settings/2 or when starting up a connection.

Client settings have to be acknowledged by the server before coming into effect.

This function is HTTP/2 specific. For more information on HTTP/2 settings, see the related section in the RFC.

See the "HTTP/2 settings" section in the module documentation for more information.

Supported settings

The possible settings that can be retrieved are described in setting/0. Any other atom passed as name will raise an error.


Mint.HTTP2.get_client_setting(conn, :max_concurrent_streams)
#=> 500
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get_private(conn, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get_private(t(), atom(), term()) :: term()

See Mint.HTTP.get_private/3.

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@spec get_proxy_headers(t()) :: Mint.Types.headers()

See Mint.HTTP.get_proxy_headers/1.

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get_server_setting(conn, name)

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@spec get_server_setting(t(), atom()) :: term()

Gets the value of the given HTTP/2 server settings.

This function returns the value of the given HTTP/2 setting that the server advertised to the client. This function is HTTP/2 specific. For more information on HTTP/2 settings, see the related section in the RFC.

See the "HTTP/2 settings" section in the module documentation for more information.

Supported settings

The possible settings that can be retrieved are described in setting/0. Any other atom passed as name will raise an error.


Mint.HTTP2.get_server_setting(conn, :max_concurrent_streams)
#=> 500
@spec get_socket(t()) :: Mint.Types.socket()

See Mint.HTTP.get_socket/1.

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get_window_size(conn, connection_or_request)

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@spec get_window_size(t(), :connection | {:request, Mint.Types.request_ref()}) ::

Returns the window size of the connection or of a single request.

This function is HTTP/2 specific. It returns the window size of either the connection if connection_or_request is :connection or of a single request if connection_or_request is {:request, request_ref}.

Use this function to check the window size of the connection before sending a full request. Also use this function to check the window size of both the connection and of a request if you want to stream body chunks on that request.

For more information on flow control and window sizes in HTTP/2, see the section below.

HTTP/2 Flow Control

In HTTP/2, flow control is implemented through a window size. When the client sends data to the server, the window size is decreased and the server needs to "refill" it on the client side. You don't need to take care of the refilling of the client window as it happens behind the scenes in stream/2.

A window size is kept for the entire connection and all requests affect this window size. A window size is also kept per request.

The only thing that affects the window size is the body of a request, regardless of if it's a full request sent with request/5 or body chunks sent through stream_request_body/3. That means that if we make a request with a body that is five bytes long, like "hello", the window size of the connection and the window size of that particular request will decrease by five bytes.

If we use all the window size before the server refills it, functions like request/5 will return an error.


On the connection:

HTTP2.get_window_size(conn, :connection)
#=> 65_536

On a single streamed request:

{:ok, conn, request_ref} = HTTP2.request(conn, "GET", "/", [], :stream)
HTTP2.get_window_size(conn, {:request, request_ref})
#=> 65_536

{:ok, conn} = HTTP2.stream_request_body(conn, request_ref, "hello")
HTTP2.get_window_size(conn, {:request, request_ref})
#=> 65_531
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open?(conn, type \\ :write)

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@spec open?(t(), :read | :write) :: boolean()


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@spec open_request_count(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

See Mint.HTTP.open_request_count/1.

In HTTP/2, the number of open requests is the number of requests opened by the client that have not yet received a :done response. It's important to note that only requests opened by the client (with request/5) count towards the number of open requests, as requests opened from the server with server pushes (see the "Server push" section in the module documentation) are not considered open requests. We do this because clients might need to know how many open requests there are because the server limits the number of concurrent requests the client can open. To know how many requests the client can open, see get_server_setting/2 with the :max_concurrent_streams setting.

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ping(conn, payload \\ :binary.copy(<<0>>, 8))

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@spec ping(t(), <<_::8>>) ::
  {:ok, t(), Mint.Types.request_ref()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

Pings the server.

This function is specific to HTTP/2 connections. It sends a ping request to the server conn is connected to. A {:ok, conn, request_ref} tuple is returned, where conn is the updated connection and request_ref is a unique reference that identifies this ping request. The response to a ping request is returned by stream/2 as a {:pong, request_ref} tuple. If there's an error, this function returns {:error, conn, reason} where conn is the updated connection and reason is the error reason.

payload must be an 8-byte binary with arbitrary content. When the server responds to a ping request, it will use that same payload. By default, the payload is an 8-byte binary with all bits set to 0.

Pinging can be used to measure the latency with the server and to ensure the connection is alive and well.


{:ok, conn, ref} =
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put_log(conn, log?)

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@spec put_log(t(), boolean()) :: t()

See Mint.HTTP.put_log/2.

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put_private(conn, key, value)

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@spec put_private(t(), atom(), term()) :: t()

See Mint.HTTP.put_private/3.

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put_settings(conn, settings)

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@spec put_settings(t(), settings()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

Communicates the given client settings to the server.

This function is HTTP/2-specific.

This function takes a connection and a keyword list of HTTP/2 settings and sends the values of those settings to the server. The settings won't be effective until the server acknowledges them, which will be handled transparently by stream/2.

This function returns {:ok, conn} when sending the settings to the server is successful, with conn being the updated connection. If there's an error, this function returns {:error, conn, reason} with conn being the updated connection and reason being the reason of the error.

Supported Settings

See setting/0 for the supported settings. You can see the meaning of these settings in the corresponding section in the HTTP/2 RFC.

See the "HTTP/2 settings" section in the module documentation for more information.


{:ok, conn} = Mint.HTTP2.put_settings(conn, max_frame_size: 100)
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recv(conn, byte_count, timeout)

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@spec recv(t(), non_neg_integer(), timeout()) ::
  {:ok, t(), [Mint.Types.response()]}
  | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error(), [Mint.Types.response()]}

See Mint.HTTP.recv/3.

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request(conn, method, path, headers, body)

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@spec request(
  method :: String.t(),
  path :: String.t(),
  body :: iodata() | nil | :stream
) :: {:ok, t(), Mint.Types.request_ref()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.request/5.

In HTTP/2, opening a request means opening a new HTTP/2 stream (see the module documentation). This means that a request could fail because the maximum number of concurrent streams allowed by the server has been reached. In that case, the error reason :too_many_concurrent_requests is returned. If you want to avoid incurring in this error, you can retrieve the value of the maximum number of concurrent streams supported by the server through get_server_setting/2 (passing in the :max_concurrent_streams setting name).

Header list size

In HTTP/2, the server can optionally specify a maximum header list size that the client needs to respect when sending headers. The header list size is calculated by summing the length (in bytes) of each header name plus value, plus 32 bytes for each header. Note that pseudo-headers (like :path or :method) count towards this size. If the size is exceeded, an error is returned. To check what the size is, use get_server_setting/2.

Request body size

If the request body size will exceed the window size of the HTTP/2 stream created by the request or the window size of the connection Mint will return a :exceeds_window_size error.

To ensure you do not exceed the window size it is recommended to stream the request body by initially passing :stream as the body and sending the body in chunks using stream_request_body/3 and using get_window_size/2 to get the window size of the request and connection.

@spec set_mode(t(), :active | :passive) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.set_mode/2.

@spec stream(t(), term()) ::
  {:ok, t(), [Mint.Types.response()]}
  | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error(), [Mint.Types.response()]}
  | :unknown


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stream_request_body(conn, request_ref, chunk)

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@spec stream_request_body(
  iodata() | :eof | {:eof, trailer_headers :: Mint.Types.headers()}
) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, t(), Mint.Types.error()}

See Mint.HTTP.stream_request_body/3.