View Source Mint.TransportError exception (Mint v1.6.2)

Represents an error with the transport used by an HTTP connection.

A Mint.TransportError struct is an exception, so it can be raised as any other exception.

Struct fields

This exception represents an error with the transport (TCP or SSL) used by an HTTP connection. The exception struct itself is opaque, that is, not all fields are public. The following are the public fields:

  • :reason - a term representing the error reason. The value of this field can be:

    • :timeout - if there's a timeout in interacting with the socket.

    • :closed - if the connection has been closed.

    • :protocol_not_negotiated - if the ALPN protocol negotiation failed.

    • {:bad_alpn_protocol, protocol} - when the ALPN protocol is not one of the supported protocols, which are http/1.1 and h2.

    • :inet.posix/0 - if there's any other error with the socket, such as :econnrefused or :nxdomain.

    • :ssl.error_alert/0 - if there's an SSL error.

Message representation

If you want to convert an error reason to a human-friendly message (for example for using in logs), you can use Exception.message/1:

iex> {:error, %Mint.TransportError{} = error} = Mint.HTTP.connect(:http, "nonexistent", 80)
iex> Exception.message(error)
"non-existing domain"



@type t() :: %Mint.TransportError{
  __exception__: true,
      | :closed
      | :protocol_not_negotiated
      | {:bad_alpn_protocol, String.t()}
      | :inet.posix())
     | :ssl.error_alert())
    | term()


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Callback implementation for Exception.message/1.