View Source MishkaInstaller.Activity (Mishka Installer v0.0.4)

This module is for communication with Activities table and has essential functions such as adding, editing, deleting, and displaying. This module is related to module MishkaInstaller.Database.ActivitySchema.

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This function helps to save the latest activities in different nodes without waiting for a response.

This function helps to save the latest activities in different nodes within waiting for a response.

Callback implementation for MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.delete/1.

Callback implementation for MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.edit/1.

If you want to get the latest changes from the Activities table of your database, this function can help you to be subscribed.

Link to this section Functions

Callback implementation for MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.create/1.

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create_activity_by_start_child(params, extra \\ %{})

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@spec create_activity_by_start_child(map(), map()) ::
  :ignore | {:error, any()} | {:ok, pid()} | {:ok, pid(), any()}

This function helps to save the latest activities in different nodes without waiting for a response.

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create_activity_by_task(params, extra \\ %{})

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@spec create_activity_by_task(map(), map()) :: Task.t()

This function helps to save the latest activities in different nodes within waiting for a response.

Callback implementation for MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.delete/1.

Callback implementation for MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.edit/1.

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edit(attrs, allowed_fields)

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See MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.crud_edit/1.

Callback implementation for MishkaDeveloperTools.DB.CRUD.show_by_id/1.

@spec subscribe() :: :ok | {:error, {:already_registered, pid()}}

If you want to get the latest changes from the Activities table of your database, this function can help you to be subscribed.