mispex v0.1.8 MISP View Source

An elixir binding for MISP's API, using mainly typed structs

Requires environment config set up as per the README.md

A basic event creation and attribute adding flow would look like so

iex> my_event = %MISP.EventInfo{
...>   info: "yui is best yuru",
...>   Attribute: [
...>     %MISP.Attribute{value: "", type: "ip-dst"}
...>   ]
...> } |> MISP.Event.create()
  Event: %MISP.EventInfo{
    info: "yui is best yuru",

Link to this section Summary


Retrieve our config, including API key and HTTP URL for the MISP.HTTP module

Get the current version of MISP running on the server we're configured to connect to

Link to this section Functions

Retrieve our config, including API key and HTTP URL for the MISP.HTTP module

Get the current version of MISP running on the server we're configured to connect to

iex> MISP.get_version()
{:ok, "2.4.102"}