

This type reflects whether the body has been read from the socket yet.

pub type Body =

Mist supports BitBuilder, FileBody, and Chunked response types. The helper methods provided can generate these from a gleam/http/response Response. This type is re-exported for pulling specific handlers out into separate functions.

pub type Response =


pub fn bit_builder_response(resp: Response(a), data: BitBuilder) -> HandlerResponse

The mist runtime only supports sending BitBuilder types, or files (see below). This method will erase any pre-existing response body.

pub fn chunked_response(resp: Response(a), iter: Iterator(
  )) -> HandlerResponse

You can send chunks of responses from an iterator. The iterator must complete.

pub fn empty_response(resp: Response(a)) -> HandlerResponse

mist.serve expects the mist Response type, rather than the gleam/http Response. When returning a response with no body, this will convert the type. Note that any previously set response body will be removed before sending.

pub fn file_response(resp: Response(a), path: String, content_type: String) -> Result(

This is a more generally optimized method for returning files to a client. It’s a light wrapper around Erlang’s file:sendfile/5 method. The error can be matched on with mist/file.{FileError} if custom behavior is desired for various cases. The size of the file will be added to the content-length header field.

pub fn handler_func(handler: fn(Request(Body)) -> HandlerResponse) -> fn(
) -> Next(LoopState(State))

Handles converting the mist Response type into a gleam HTTP Response. Use this when calling mist.serve to start your application.

pub fn read_body(req: Request(Body)) -> Result(

When using mist.serve, the body is not automatically read. You can inspect content headers to determine whether to read the body or not. This function will pull the content from the sender. It gives back a Request(BitString) containing the body. This return value should be treated as replacing the initial request. Do not attempt to call this method multiple times on the same request.

pub fn run_service(port: Int, handler: fn(Request(BitString)) ->
    Response(BitBuilder), max_body_limit max_body_limit: Int) -> Result(

Runs an HTTP Request->Response server at the given port, with your defined handler. This will automatically read the full body contents up to the specified max_body_limit in bytes. If you’d prefer to have finer-grain control over this behavior, consider using mist.serve.

pub fn run_service_ssl(port port: Int, certfile certfile: String, keyfile keyfile: String, handler handler: fn(
  ) -> Response(BitBuilder), max_body_limit max_body_limit: Int) -> Result(

Similar setup and behavior to run_service, but instead takes in the SSL certificate/key and serves over HTTPS.

pub fn serve(port port: Int, handler handler: fn(
  ) -> Next(LoopState(State))) -> Result(Nil, StartError)

Slightly more flexible alternative to run_service. This allows hooking into the mist.handler_func method. Note that the request body will not be automatically read. You will need to call mist.read_body. Ensure that this is only called once per request.

pub fn serve_ssl(port port: Int, certfile certfile: String, keyfile keyfile: String, handler handler: fn(
  ) -> Next(LoopState(State))) -> Result(Nil, StartError)

Similar to the run_service method, serve also has a similar SSL method.

pub fn upgrade(websocket_handler: WebsocketHandler) -> HandlerResponse

A websocket handler is created using the websocket.with_handler method. This function enables the mist HTTP layer to build the properly formatted websocket upgrade response.

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