Mix v1.5.1 mix archive.install View Source

Installs an archive locally.

If no argument is supplied but there is an archive in the project’s root directory (created with mix archive.build), then the archive will be installed locally. For example:

mix do archive.build, archive.install

If an argument is provided, it should be a local path or a URL to a prebuilt archive, a Git repository, a GitHub repository, or a Hex package.

mix archive.install archive.ez
mix archive.install path/to/archive.ez
mix archive.install https://example.com/my_archive.ez
mix archive.install git https://path/to/git/repo
mix archive.install git https://path/to/git/repo branch git_branch
mix archive.install git https://path/to/git/repo tag git_tag
mix archive.install git https://path/to/git/repo ref git_ref
mix archive.install github user/project
mix archive.install github user/project branch git_branch
mix archive.install github user/project tag git_tag
mix archive.install github user/project ref git_ref
mix archive.install hex hex_package
mix archive.install hex hex_package 1.2.3

After installation, the tasks in the archive are available locally:

mix some_task

Note that installing via Git/GitHub/Hex fetches the source of the archive and builds it, while using URL/local path fetches a pre-built archive.

Command line options

  • --sha512 - checks the archive matches the given SHA-512 checksum. Only applies to installations via URL or local path

  • --force - forces installation without a shell prompt; primarily intended for automation in build systems like Make

  • --submodules - fetches repository submodules before building archive from Git or GitHub

  • --app - specifies a custom app name to be used for building the archive from Git, GitHub, or Hex

Link to this section Summary


Builds a local artifact either from a remote dependency or for the current project

Checks that the install_spec and opts are supported by the respective module

Returns a list of already installed version of the same artifact

The installation itself

A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function build(install_spec, opts) View Source

Builds a local artifact either from a remote dependency or for the current project.

Callback implementation for c:Mix.Local.Installer.build/2.

Link to this function check_install_spec(install_spec, arg2) View Source

Checks that the install_spec and opts are supported by the respective module.

Callback implementation for c:Mix.Local.Installer.check_install_spec/2.

Link to this function find_previous_versions(src) View Source

Returns a list of already installed version of the same artifact.

Callback implementation for c:Mix.Local.Installer.find_previous_versions/1.

Link to this function install(basename, contents, previous) View Source

The installation itself.

Callback implementation for c:Mix.Local.Installer.install/3.

A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args.

Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.