Mix v1.8.1 mix local.rebar View Source

Fetches a copy of rebar or rebar3 from the given path or URL.

It defaults to safely download a Rebar copy from Hex's CDN. However, a URL can be given as argument, usually for an existing local copy of Rebar:

mix local.rebar rebar path/to/rebar
mix local.rebar rebar3 path/to/rebar

If neither rebar or rebar3 are specified, both versions will be fetched.

The local copy is stored in your MIX_HOME (defaults to ~/.mix). This version of Rebar will be used as required by mix deps.compile.

Command line options

  • rebar PATH - specifies a path or URL for rebar

  • rebar3 PATH - specifies a path or URL for rebar3

  • --sha512 - checks the archive matches the given SHA-512 checksum

  • --force - forces installation without a shell prompt; primarily intended for automation in build systems like make


If you want to change the default mirror to use for fetching rebar please set the HEX_MIRROR environment variable.