Mnemonix v0.8.0 Mnemonix.Store.Server

Bridges Mnemonix.Features with underlying Mnemonix.Stores.

This is normally the module you will be working with once you’ve selected your desired store implementation and want to insert it properly into a supervision tree.

The options here will allow you to specify your store type, keep your store always available, and decide on the process name for others to recognize it by, if any.

If you want to play around with the Mnemonix API first, see



A two-tuple describing a store type and options to start it

Options used to start a Mnemonix.Store.Server


Starts a new Mnemonix.Store.Server using the provided store impl and options

Starts a new Mnemonix.Store.Server using store impl, store options, and server options


config() :: {Module.t, options}

A two-tuple describing a store type and options to start it.

options() :: [otp_app: atom, store: Mnemonix.Store.options, server: GenServer.opts]

Options used to start a Mnemonix.Store.Server.


start_link(impl, options \\ [])
start_link(Mnemonix.Store.Behaviour.t, options) :: GenServer.on_start

Starts a new Mnemonix.Store.Server using the provided store impl and options.

Available options are:

  • :store

    Options to be given to the store on setup. Study the store impl for more information.

  • :server

    A keyword list of options to be given to GenServer.start_link/3.

  • :otp_app

    Fetches more options for the above from config otp_app, module, options, and merges them together. If no otp_app is specified, will check under config :mnemonix, module, options for default options. Options supplied directly to this function always take precedence over any found in your configuration.

The returned GenServer.server/0 reference can be used in the Mnemonix API.


iex> {:ok, store} = Mnemonix.Store.Server.start_link(Mnemonix.Stores.Map)
iex> Mnemonix.put(store, :foo, :bar)
iex> Mnemonix.get(store, :foo)

iex> options = [store: [initial: %{foo: :bar}], server: [name: StoreCache]]
iex> {:ok, _store} = Mnemonix.Store.Server.start_link(Mnemonix.Stores.Map, options)
iex> Mnemonix.get(StoreCache, :foo)
start_link(impl, store, server)
start_link(Mnemonix.Store.Behaviour.t, Mnemonix.Store.options, GenServer.opts) :: GenServer.on_start

Starts a new Mnemonix.Store.Server using store impl, store options, and server options.

store will be given to the store on setup. Study the store impl for more information.

server options be given to GenServer.start_link/3.

No application configuration checking option merging is performed.


iex> {:ok, store} = Mnemonix.Store.Server.start_link(Mnemonix.Stores.Map, [], [])
iex> Mnemonix.put(store, :foo, :bar)
iex> Mnemonix.get(store, :foo)

iex> store = [initial: %{foo: :bar}]
iex> server = [name: StoreCache]
iex> {:ok, _store} = Mnemonix.Store.Server.start_link(Mnemonix.Stores.Map, store, server)
iex> Mnemonix.get(StoreCache, :foo)