View Source Moar.URI (Moar v1.60.0)

URI/URL-related functions.



Applies some fixes to a URI string if necessary. Returns nil when given nil.

Formats a URI as a string with the given format. Format options

Returns a simplified string representation of a URI for display purposes. Scheme, port, params, and fragments are removed. nil is converted to an empty string.

Returns true if the URI has a host and scheme, and if it has a path, the path does not contain spaces.

Returns true when given a valid URI string with an http or https scheme.


@spec fix(binary() | nil) :: binary() | nil

Applies some fixes to a URI string if necessary. Returns nil when given nil.

Adds a default path if one is not given:

iex> Moar.URI.fix("")

iex> Moar.URI.fix("")

iex> Moar.URI.fix("")

Adds an https scheme if no scheme is given:

iex> Moar.URI.fix("")

iex> Moar.URI.fix("")

Lowercases the scheme:

iex> Moar.URI.fix("HttpS://")

Unwraps CDATA:

iex> Moar.URI.fix("<![CDATA[]]>")
Link to this function

format(string_or_uri, arg2)

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@spec format(URI.t() | binary(), atom()) :: binary()

Formats a URI as a string with the given format. Format options:

scheme_host_port: converts to <scheme>://<host>[:<port>] format, where the port is only rendered if the original URI includes the port.

scheme_host_port_path: converts to <scheme>://<host>[:<port>]/<path> format, where the port is only rendered if the original URI included the port, and the path is rendered as / if the original URI does not include a path.

simple_string: converts to a simplified string representation of a URI for display purposes. Scheme, port, params, and fragments are removed. nil is converted to an empty string. The return value is not a valid URI.

iex> url = ""
iex> Moar.URI.format(url, :scheme_host_port)

iex> url = ""
iex> Moar.URI.format(url, :scheme_host_port_path)

iex> url = ""
iex> Moar.URI.format(url, :simple_string)
" chips/fruit"

iex> Moar.URI.format(nil, :simple_string)
This function is deprecated. Use `Moar.URI.format/2` with the `:simple_string` argument..
@spec to_simple_string(binary() | URI.t() | nil) :: binary()

Returns a simplified string representation of a URI for display purposes. Scheme, port, params, and fragments are removed. nil is converted to an empty string.

@spec valid?(URI.t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the URI has a host and scheme, and if it has a path, the path does not contain spaces.

iex> Moar.URI.valid?(%URI{host: "", path: "users/1", scheme: "https"})

iex> Moar.URI.valid?(%URI{host: "", path: "users/1", scheme: nil})

iex> Moar.URI.valid?(%URI{host: "", path: "spaces not allowed", scheme: "https"})
@spec web_url?(nil | binary() | URI.t()) :: boolean()

Returns true when given a valid URI string with an http or https scheme.

iex> Moar.URI.web_url?(nil)

iex> Moar.URI.web_url?("")

iex> Moar.URI.web_url?("")