Mock v0.3.8 Mock

Mock modules for testing purposes. Usually inside a unit test.

Please see the README file on github for a tutorial


defmodule MyTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  import Mock

  test "get" do
    with_mock HTTPotion,
        [get: fn("", _headers) ->
                    body: "hello") end] do
      # Code which calls HTTPotion.get
      # Check that the call was made as we expected
      assert called HTTPotion.get("", :_)

Link to this section Summary


Use inside a with_mock block to determine whether a mocked function was called as expected. If the assertion fails, the calls that were received are displayed in the assertion message

Use inside a with_mock block to determine whether a mocked function was called as expected exactly x times. If the assertion fails, the number of calls that were received is displayed in the assertion message

Use inside a with_mock block to check if a mocked function was NOT called. If the assertion fails, the number of calls is displayed in the assertion message

Helper function to get the history of mock functions executed

Use inside a with_mock block to determine whether a mocked function was called as expected

Call original function inside mock anonymous function. Allows overriding only a certain behavior of a function. Compatible with passthrough option

Mocks up multiple modules prior to the execution of each test in a case and execute the callback specified

Mocks up multiple modules prior to the execution of each test in a case and execute the callback specified with a context specified

Shortcut to avoid multiple blocks when a test requires a single mock

Shortcut to avoid multiple blocks when a test requires a single mock. Accepts a context argument enabling information to be shared between callbacks and the test

Mock up mock_module with functions specified as a keyword list of function_name:implementation mocks for the duration of test

Mock up multiple modules for the duration of test

Link to this section Functions

Link to this macro assert_called(arg) (macro)

Use inside a with_mock block to determine whether a mocked function was called as expected. If the assertion fails, the calls that were received are displayed in the assertion message.

Pass :_ as a function argument for wildcard matches.


assert_called HTTPotion.get("")

# Matches any invocation
assert_called HTTPotion.get(:_)
Link to this macro assert_called_exactly(arg, call_times) (macro)

Use inside a with_mock block to determine whether a mocked function was called as expected exactly x times. If the assertion fails, the number of calls that were received is displayed in the assertion message.

Pass :_ as a function argument for wildcard matches.

## Example

  assert_called_exactly HTTPotion.get(""), 2

  # Matches any invocation
  assert_called_exactly HTTPotion.get(:_), 2
Link to this macro assert_not_called(arg) (macro)

Use inside a with_mock block to check if a mocked function was NOT called. If the assertion fails, the number of calls is displayed in the assertion message.

Pass :_ as a function argument for wildcard matches.


assert_not_called HTTPotion.get("")

# Matches any invocation
assert_not_called HTTPotion.get(:_)
Link to this macro call_history(module) (macro)

Helper function to get the history of mock functions executed.


iex> assert call_history(HTTPotion) == [
    {pid, {HTTPotion, :get, [""]}, some_return_value}
Link to this macro called(arg) (macro)

Use inside a with_mock block to determine whether a mocked function was called as expected.

Pass :_ as a function argument for wildcard matches.


assert called HTTPotion.get("")

# Matches any invocation
assert called HTTPotion.get(:_)
Link to this function in_series(signature, results)
Link to this macro mock_modules(mocks) (macro)
Link to this macro passthrough(args) (macro)

Call original function inside mock anonymous function. Allows overriding only a certain behavior of a function. Compatible with passthrough option.


with_mock String, [:passthrough], [reverse: fn(str) ->
     passthrough([str]) <> "!" end] do
   assert String.reverse("xyz") == "zyx!"
Link to this macro setup_with_mocks(mocks, list) (macro)

Mocks up multiple modules prior to the execution of each test in a case and execute the callback specified.

For full description of mocking, see with_mocks.

For a full description of ExUnit setup, see


  {Map, [], [get: fn(%{}, "") -> "<html></html>" end]}
]) do
  foo = "bar"
  {:ok, foo: foo}

test "setup_all_with_mocks base case" do
  assert Map.get(%{}, "") == "<html></html>"
Link to this macro setup_with_mocks(mocks, context, list) (macro)

Mocks up multiple modules prior to the execution of each test in a case and execute the callback specified with a context specified

See setup_with_mocks for more details


  {Map, [], [get: fn(%{}, "") -> "<html></html>" end]}
], context) do
  {:ok, test_string: Atom.to_string(context.test)}

test "setup_all_with_mocks with context", %{test_string: test_string} do
  assert Map.get(%{}, "") == "<html></html>"
  assert test_string == "test setup_all_with_mocks with context"
Link to this macro test_with_mock(test_name, mock_module, opts \\ [], mocks, test_block) (macro)

Shortcut to avoid multiple blocks when a test requires a single mock.

For full description see with_mock.


test_with_mock "test_name", HTTPotion,
  [get: fn(_url) -> "<html></html>" end] do
  assert called HTTPotion.get("")
Link to this macro test_with_mock(test_name, context, mock_module, opts, mocks, test_block) (macro)

Shortcut to avoid multiple blocks when a test requires a single mock. Accepts a context argument enabling information to be shared between callbacks and the test.

For full description see with_mock.


setup do
  doc = "<html></html>"
  {:ok, doc: doc}

test_with_mock "test_with_mock with context", %{doc: doc}, HTTPotion, [],
  [get: fn(_url) -> doc end] do

  assert called HTTPotion.get("")
Link to this macro with_mock(mock_module, opts \\ [], mocks, list) (macro)

Mock up mock_module with functions specified as a keyword list of function_name:implementation mocks for the duration of test.

opts List of optional arguments passed to meck. :passthrough will passthrough arguments to the original module.


with_mock HTTPotion, [get: fn("") ->
     "<html></html>" end] do
   # Tests that make the expected call
   assert called HTTPotion.get("")
Link to this macro with_mocks(mocks, list) (macro)

Mock up multiple modules for the duration of test.


with_mocks([{HTTPotion, opts, [get: fn("") -> "<html></html>" end]}]) do
  # Tests that make the expected call
  assert called HTTPotion.get("")