mockery v2.3.1 Mockery View Source

Core functionality

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Used to avoid unnecessary compile-time dependencies between modules

Mockery uses tuple calls to send additional data to internal proxy module


Function used to create mock in context of single test process.

Function used to prepare module for mocking.

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elixir_module_as_string() :: String.t()

Used to avoid unnecessary compile-time dependencies between modules


defmodule Foo do
  # this creates compile-time dependency between Foo and Bar
  @bar1 Mockery.of(Bar)

  # same result but without compile-time dependency
  @bar2 Mockery.of("Bar")

mix xref graph can be used to check difference between module and string versions

Mockery uses tuple calls to send additional data to internal proxy module

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mock(mod, fun, value \\ :mocked)

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Function used to create mock in context of single test process.

Mock created in test won't leak to another process (other test, spawned Task, GenServer...). It can be used safely in asynchronous tests.

Mocks can be created with static value:

mock Mod, [fun: 2], "mocked value"

or function:

mock Mod, [fun: 2], fn(_, arg2) -> arg2 end

Keep in mind that function inside mock must have same arity as original one.


mock Mod, [fun: 2], &to_string/1

will raise an error.

It is also possible to mock function with given name and any arity

mock Mod, :fun, "mocked value"

but this version doesn't support function as value.

Also, multiple mocks for same module are chainable

|> mock(:fun1, "value")
|> mock([fun2: 1], &string/1)
This function is deprecated. Mockery was not designed as solution for other libraries. It was a bad decision to try to workaround this. This approach was also extremely ugly and lacking all the advantages of Mockery .
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of(mod, opts \\ [])

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  mod :: module() | elixir_module_as_string(),
  opts :: [{:by, module() | elixir_module_as_string()}]
) :: module() | proxy_tuple()

Function used to prepare module for mocking.

For Mix.env other than :test it returns module given in the first argument. If Mix.env equal :test it creates a proxy to the original module. When Mix is missing it assumes that env is :prod


Prepare for mocking (elixir module)

defmodule Foo do
  @bar Mockery.of("Bar")

  def foo do

It is also possible to pass the module in elixir format

@bar Mockery.of(Bar)

but it is not recommended as it creates an unnecessary compile-time dependency (see mix xref graph output for both versions).

Prepare for mocking (erlang module)

defmodule Foo do
  @crypto Mockery.of(:crypto)

  def foo do

Prepare for mocking with global mock

# test/support/global_mocks/bar.ex
defmodule BarGlobalMock do
  def bar, do: :mocked

# lib/foo.ex
defmodule Foo do
  @bar Mockery.of(Bar, by: BarGlobalMock)

  def foo do


Internally mockery is using tuple calls to pass additional data to its proxy module when mock is called. Tuple calls are disabled by default in OTP21+ and require additional compile flag to be reenabled.

defmodule Foo do
  @compile :tuple_calls
  @bar Mockery.of("Bar")

  # ...

If you don't want to reenable tuple calls, there's also new macro-based alternative (for more information see Mockery.Macro module).