API Reference Mongodb v1.0.1


Functions for encoding and decoding BSON documents.

Represents BSON binary type

Represents BSON JavaScript (with and without scope) types

Represents BSON ObjectId type

Represents BSON Regex type

Represents BSON Timestamp type

The main entry point for doing queries. All functions take a topology to run the query on.

The successful result struct of Mongo.create_indexes/4.

The successful result struct of Mongo.delete_one/4 and Mongo.delete_many/4. Its fields are

The successful result struct of Mongo.drop_index/4.

The successful result struct of Mongo.find_one_and_* functions, which under the hood use Mongo's findAndModify API.

The bucket has some configuration options

The main entry point for downloading files from the grid-fs specified by the bucket struct.

The main entry point for uploading files into the grid-fs specified by the bucket struct.

This is the upload stream for save streams into the grid fs.

The successful result struct of Mongo.insert_many/4. Its fields are

The successful result struct of Mongo.insert_one/4. Its fields are

PBKDF2 implements PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2), part of PKCS #5 v2.0 (Password-Based Cryptography Specification). It can be used to derive a number of keys for various purposes from a given secret. This lets applications have a single secure secret, but avoid reusing that key in multiple incompatible contexts. see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#section-5.2

Determines which servers are considered suitable for read operations

The successful result struct of Mongo.update_one/5, Mongo.update_many/5 and Mongo.replace_one/5. Its fields are

Mongo connection URL parsing util