Mpesa Elixir v0.1.2 Mpesa View Source

Documentation for Mpesa.

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Initiates the Mpesa Lipa Online STK Push .

Link to this section Functions

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make_request(amount, phone, reference, description)

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Initiates the Mpesa Lipa Online STK Push .


Add below config to dec.exs / prod.exs files This asumes you have a clear understanding of how Daraja API works.

The env is either sandbox or production

dev.exs These are sandbox credentials given by Safaricom

config :mpesa,
env: "sandbox",
consumer_key: "72yw1nun6g1QQPPgOsAObCGSfuimGO7b",
consumer_secret: "vRzZiD5RllMLIdLD",
mpesa_short_code: "174379",
mpesa_passkey: "bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919",
mpesa_callback_url: ""


config :mpesa,
env: "production",
consumer_key: "",
consumer_secret: "",
mpesa_short_code: "",
mpesa_passkey: "",
mpesa_callback_url: ""


iex> Mpesa.make_request(10, "254724540039", "reference", "description")
  "CheckoutRequestID" => "ws_CO_010320202011179845",
  "CustomerMessage" => "Success. Request accepted for processing",
  "MerchantRequestID" => "25558-10595705-4",
  "ResponseCode" => "0",
  "ResponseDescription" => "Success. Request accepted for processing"

  {:error, "Invalid Access Token"}