Mppm.User (mppm v0.1.1)

Link to this section Summary


Returns full %Mppm.User{} structure from database. The user will be created if it doesn't exist yet.

Encodes base 64 URL safe user login as used in-game to user UUID.

Encodes user UUID to base 64 URL safe user login as used in-game.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

add_role(user, role)

Link to this function

changeset(user, data \\ [])

Returns full %Mppm.User{} structure from database. The user will be created if it doesn't exist yet.

Returns %Mppm.User{}

Link to this function


Encodes base 64 URL safe user login as used in-game to user UUID.

Returns Ecto.UUID.t() :: <<_::288>>

### Examples

iex> Mppm.User.login_to_uuid("5FSqXc6ZS4mBFTKTE8rWNg")
Link to this function

new(uuid, login, nickname)

Link to this function

new_changeset(user, data)

Link to this function

remove_role(user, role)

Link to this function


Link to this function

update_role(user, new_roles)

Link to this function


Encodes user UUID to base 64 URL safe user login as used in-game.

Returns :string

### Examples

iex> Mppm.User.uuid_to_login("e454aa5d-ce99-4b89-8115-329313cad636")