

We may recommend using asdf to install dependencies. It allows you to install and manage various versions of most common runtimes, as well as to pinpoint specific version of it for any paths.


As of now, the application is strictly developed on CentOS 7. However it should work on any Linux distribution.

  • inotify-tools
  • PostgreSQL 10
  • NodeJS 6.4


  • Erlang/OTP 22
  • Elixir 1.10



After copying the *.exs.dist files into *.exs, you can:

  • edit the files manually;
  • use the .env file (copied from .env.dist);
  • set shell variables

Using the .env file

You can safely export all the files variables before starting the application using a subshell command, i.e.: (export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs) && mix phx.server)


  • secret_key_base: "" (generate generate your own key with mix phx.gen.secret)
  • signing_salt: "" ( generate your own salt with mix phx.gen.secret 32)



  • Set your PostgreSQL hostname, username, password and edit the database name if you wish
  • Set your client_id and client_secret for the Trackmania OAuth

First start

  • Go to the application root folder
  • Install elixir dependencies with mix deps.get (you may also manually run mix deps.compile but that will be done anyway if necessary at start)
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Install Node.js dependencies with npm install --prefix assets/
  • Finally, start the Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Using docker

A docker-compose.yml file is provided and can be used as such. It makes use of a .env file that you can copy from .env.dist before editing. docker-compose up and you're good to go!

Elixir / Phoenix resources